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1 files changed, 7 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/CycleWS.hs b/CycleWS.hs
index dab5b04..2f57f91 100644
--- a/CycleWS.hs
+++ b/CycleWS.hs
@@ -24,15 +24,16 @@ module XMonadContrib.CycleWS (
) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader ( asks )
import Control.Monad.State ( gets )
import Data.List ( sortBy, findIndex )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
-import XMonad
+import XMonad hiding (workspaces)
+import qualified XMonad (workspaces)
import StackSet hiding (filter)
import Operations
-import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Config (workspaces)
-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your Config.hs file:
@@ -88,13 +89,14 @@ shiftBy d = wsBy d >>= windows . shift
wsBy :: Int -> X (WorkspaceId)
wsBy d = do
ws <- gets windowset
- let orderedWs = sortBy (comparing wsIndex) (workspaces ws)
+ spaces <- asks (XMonad.workspaces . config)
+ let orderedWs = sortBy (comparing (wsIndex spaces)) (workspaces ws)
let now = fromMaybe 0 $ findWsIndex (workspace (current ws)) orderedWs
let next = orderedWs !! ((now + d) `mod` length orderedWs)
return $ tag next
-wsIndex :: WindowSpace -> Maybe Int
-wsIndex ws = findIndex (== tag ws) Config.workspaces
+wsIndex :: [WorkspaceId] -> WindowSpace -> Maybe Int
+wsIndex spaces ws = findIndex (== tag ws) spaces
findWsIndex :: WindowSpace -> [WindowSpace] -> Maybe Int
findWsIndex ws wss = findIndex ((== tag ws) . tag) wss