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diff --git a/XMonad/Hooks/Place.hs b/XMonad/Hooks/Place.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c42b3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XMonad/Hooks/Place.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonad.Hooks.Place
+-- Copyright : Quentin Moser <quentin.moser@unifr.ch>
+-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : Quentin Moser <quentin.moser@unifr.ch>
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- Automatic placement of floating and "WindowArranger" windows.
+module XMonad.Hooks.Place ( -- * Usage
+ -- $usage
+ -- * Placement actions
+ placeFocused
+ , placeHook
+ -- * Placement policies
+ -- $placements
+ , Placement
+ , smart
+ , simpleSmart
+ , fixed
+ , underMouse
+ , inBounds
+ , withGaps
+ -- * Others
+ , purePlaceWindow ) where
+import XMonad
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S
+import XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger
+import XMonad.Actions.FloatKeys
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.List (sortBy, maximumBy)
+import Data.Maybe (maybe)
+import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
+import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
+-- $usage
+-- This module provides a ManageHook that automatically places
+-- floating windows at appropriate positions on the screen, as well
+-- as an X action to manually trigger repositioning.
+-- You can use this module by including the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
+-- > import XMonad.Hooks.Place
+-- and adding 'placeHook' to your 'manageHook', for example:
+-- > main = xmonad $ defaultConfig { manageHook = placeHook simpleSmart
+-- > <+> manageHook defaultConfig }
+-- You can also define a key to manually trigger repositioning with 'placeFocused' by
+-- adding the following to your keys definition:
+-- > , ((modMask, xK_w), placeFocused simpleSmart)
+-- Both 'placeHook' and 'placeFocused' take a 'Placement' parameter, which specifies
+-- the placement policy to use (smart, under the mouse, fixed position, etc.). See
+-- 'Placement' for a list of available policies.
+{- Placement policies -}
+-- $placements
+-- #Placement policies#
+-- Placement policies determine how windows will be placed by 'placeFocused' and 'placeHook'.
+-- A few examples:
+-- * Basic smart placement
+-- > myPlacement = simpleSmart
+-- * Under the mouse (pointer at the top-left corner), but constrained
+-- inside of the screen area
+-- > myPlacement = inBounds (underMouse (0, 0))
+-- * Smart placement with a preference for putting windows near
+-- the center of the screen, and with 16px gaps at the top and bottom
+-- of the screen where no window will be placed
+-- > myPlacement = withGaps (16,0,16,0) (smart (0.5,0.5))
+-- | The type of placement policies
+data Placement = Smart (Rational, Rational)
+ | Fixed (Rational, Rational)
+ | UnderMouse (Rational, Rational)
+ | Bounds (Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension) Placement
+ deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
+-- | Try to place windows with as little overlap as possible
+smart :: (Rational, Rational) -- ^ Where the window should be placed inside
+ -- the available area. See 'fixed'.
+ -> Placement
+smart = Smart
+simpleSmart :: Placement
+simpleSmart = inBounds $ smart (0,0)
+-- | Place windows at a fixed position
+fixed :: (Rational, Rational) -- ^ Where windows should go.
+ --
+ -- * (0,0) -> top left of the screen
+ --
+ -- * (1,0) -> top right of the screen
+ --
+ -- * etc
+ -> Placement
+fixed = Fixed
+-- | Place windows under the mouse
+underMouse :: (Rational, Rational) -- ^ Where the pointer should be relative to
+ -- the window's frame; see 'fixed'.
+ -> Placement
+underMouse = UnderMouse
+-- | Apply the given placement policy, constraining the
+-- placed windows inside the screen boundaries.
+inBounds :: Placement -> Placement
+inBounds = Bounds (0,0,0,0)
+-- | Same as 'inBounds', but allows specifying gaps along the screen's edges
+withGaps :: (Dimension, Dimension, Dimension, Dimension)
+ -- ^ top, right, bottom and left gaps
+ -> Placement -> Placement
+withGaps = Bounds
+{- Placement functions -}
+-- | Repositions the focused window according to a placement policy.
+placeFocused :: Placement -> X ()
+placeFocused p = withFocused $ \window -> do
+ (s,r,rs,pointer) <- getNecessaryData window
+ let r'@(Rectangle x' y' _ _) = purePlaceWindow p s rs pointer r
+ fs <- getFloats
+ case elem window fs of
+ True -> keysMoveWindowTo (x', y') (0, 0) window
+ False -> sendMessage $ SetGeometry r'
+-- | Hook to automatically place windows when they are created.
+placeHook :: Placement -> ManageHook
+placeHook p = do window <- ask
+ (s,r,rs,pointer) <- Query $ lift (getNecessaryData window)
+ let (Rectangle x' y' _ _) = purePlaceWindow p s rs pointer r
+ d <- Query $ lift $ asks display
+ liftIO $ moveWindow d window x' y'
+ -- Move window at the X level, and
+ -- hope both the standard floating
+ -- system and WindowArranger layouts
+ -- will pick it up correctly.
+ -- I'm not really satisfied with this though.
+ return $ Endo id
+-- | Compute the new position of a window according to a placement policy.
+purePlaceWindow :: Placement -- ^ The placement strategy
+ -> Rectangle -- ^ The screen
+ -> [Rectangle] -- ^ The other visible windows
+ -> (Position, Position) -- ^ The pointer's position.
+ -> Rectangle -- ^ The window to be placed
+ -> Rectangle
+purePlaceWindow (Bounds (t,r,b,l) p') (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) rs p w
+ = let s' = (Rectangle (sx + fi l) (sy + fi t) (sw - l - r) (sh - t - b))
+ in checkBounds s' $ purePlaceWindow p' s' rs p w
+purePlaceWindow (Fixed ratios) s _ _ w = placeRatio ratios s w
+purePlaceWindow (UnderMouse (rx, ry)) _ _ (px, py) (Rectangle _ _ w h)
+ = Rectangle (px - truncate (rx * fi w)) (py - truncate (ry * fi h)) w h
+purePlaceWindow (Smart ratios) s rs _ w
+ = placeSmart ratios s rs (rect_width w) (rect_height w)
+-- | Helper: Places a Rectangle at a fixed position indicated by two Rationals
+-- inside another,
+placeRatio :: (Rational, Rational) -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
+placeRatio (rx, ry) (Rectangle x1 y1 w1 h1) (Rectangle _ _ w2 h2)
+ = Rectangle (scale rx x1 (x1 + fi w1 - fi w2))
+ (scale ry y1 (y1 + fi h1 - fi h2))
+ w2 h2
+-- | Helper: Ensures its second parameter is contained inside the first
+-- by possibly moving it.
+checkBounds :: Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
+checkBounds (Rectangle x1 y1 w1 h1) (Rectangle x2 y2 w2 h2)
+ = Rectangle (max x1 (min (x1 + fi w1 - fi w2) x2))
+ (max y1 (min (y1 + fi h1 - fi h2) y2))
+ w2 h2
+{- Utilities -}
+scale :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> b -> b -> b
+scale r n1 n2 = truncate $ r * fi n2 + (1 - r) * fi n1
+fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
+fi = fromIntegral
+{- Querying stuff -}
+getScreenRect :: X Rectangle
+getScreenRect = gets $ screenRect . S.screenDetail
+ . S.current . windowset
+getLayoutWindows :: X [Window]
+getLayoutWindows = gets $ maybe [] S.integrate . S.stack
+ . S.workspace . S.current . windowset
+getWindowRectangle :: Window -> X Rectangle
+getWindowRectangle window
+ = do d <- asks display
+ (_, x, y, w, h, _, _) <- io $ getGeometry d window
+ -- We can't use the border width returned by
+ -- getGeometry because it will be 0 if the
+ -- window isn't mapped yet.
+ b <- asks $ borderWidth . config
+ return $ Rectangle x y (w + 2*b) (h + 2*b)
+getFloats :: X [Window]
+getFloats = gets $ M.keys . S.floating . windowset
+getPointer :: Window -> X (Position, Position)
+getPointer window = do d <- asks display
+ (_,_,_,x,y,_,_,_) <- io $ queryPointer d window
+ return (fi x,fi y)
+-- | Return values are, in order: screen's rectangle, window's rectangle,
+-- other windows' rectangles and pointer's coordinates.
+getNecessaryData :: Window -> X (Rectangle, Rectangle, [Rectangle], (Position, Position))
+getNecessaryData window
+ = do s <- getScreenRect
+ r <- getWindowRectangle window
+ -- The window to be place may or may not
+ -- have a border depending on whether it
+ -- is already mapped.
+ layoutRects <- fmap (filter (/= window)) getLayoutWindows
+ >>= mapM getWindowRectangle
+ floatRects <- fmap (filter (/= window)) getFloats
+ >>= mapM getWindowRectangle
+ let rs = reverse $ floatRects ++ layoutRects
+ -- Clients inside of the layout
+ -- will be ignored first when
+ -- using smart placement.
+ -- We also reverse the list because it seems
+ -- the clients most recently added are at the front.
+ pointer <- getPointer window
+ return (s, r, rs, pointer)
+{- Smart placement algorithm -}
+-- | Alternate representation for rectangles.
+data SmartRectangle a = SR
+ { sr_x0, sr_y0 :: a -- ^ Top left coordinates, inclusive
+ , sr_x1, sr_y1 :: a -- ^ Bottom right coorsinates, exclusive
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+r2sr :: Rectangle -> SmartRectangle Position
+r2sr (Rectangle x y w h) = SR x y (x + fi w) (y + fi h)
+sr2r :: SmartRectangle Position -> Rectangle
+sr2r (SR x0 y0 x1 y1) = Rectangle x0 y0 (fi $ x1 - x0) (fi $ y1 - y0)
+width :: Num a => SmartRectangle a -> a
+width r = sr_x1 r - sr_x0 r
+height :: Num a => SmartRectangle a -> a
+height r = sr_y1 r - sr_y0 r
+isEmpty :: Real a => SmartRectangle a -> Bool
+isEmpty r = (width r <= 0) || (height r <= 0)
+contains :: Real a => SmartRectangle a -> SmartRectangle a -> Bool
+contains r1 r2 = sr_x0 r1 <= sr_x0 r2
+ && sr_y0 r1 <= sr_y0 r2
+ && sr_x1 r1 >= sr_x1 r2
+ && sr_y1 r1 >= sr_y1 r2
+-- | Main placement function
+placeSmart :: (Rational, Rational) -- ^ point of the screen where windows
+ -- should be placed first, if possible.
+ -> Rectangle -- ^ screen
+ -> [Rectangle] -- ^ other clients
+ -> Dimension -- ^ width
+ -> Dimension -- ^ height
+ -> Rectangle
+placeSmart (rx, ry) s@(Rectangle sx sy sw sh) rs w h
+ = let free = map sr2r $ findSpace (r2sr s) (map r2sr rs) (fi w) (fi h)
+ in position free (scale rx sx (sx + fi sw - fi w))
+ (scale ry sy (sy + fi sh - fi h))
+ w h
+-- | Second part of the algorithm:
+-- Chooses the best position in which to place a window,
+-- according to a list of free areas and an ideal position for
+-- the top-left corner.
+-- We can't use semi-open surfaces for this, so we go back to
+-- X11 Rectangles/Positions/etc instead.
+position :: [Rectangle] -- ^ Free areas
+ -> Position -> Position -- ^ Ideal coordinates
+ -> Dimension -> Dimension -- ^ Width and height of the window
+ -> Rectangle
+position rs x y w h = maximumBy distanceOrder $ map closest rs
+ where distanceOrder r1 r2
+ = compare (distance (rect_x r1,rect_y r1) (x,y) :: Dimension)
+ (distance (rect_x r2,rect_y r2) (x,y) :: Dimension)
+ distance (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = truncate $ (sqrt :: Double -> Double)
+ $ fi $ (x1 - x2)^(2::Int)
+ + (y1 - y2)^(2::Int)
+ closest r = checkBounds r (Rectangle x y w h)
+-- | First part of the algorithm:
+-- Tries to find an area in which to place a new
+-- rectangle so that it overlaps as little as possible with
+-- other rectangles aready present. The first rectangles in
+-- the list will be overlapped first.
+findSpace :: Real a =>
+ SmartRectangle a -- ^ The total available area
+ -> [SmartRectangle a] -- ^ The parts aready in use
+ -> a -- ^ Width of the rectangle to place
+ -> a -- ^ Height of the rectangle to place
+ -> [SmartRectangle a]
+findSpace total [] _ _ = [total]
+findSpace total rs@(_:rs') w h
+ = case filter largeEnough $ cleanup $ substractRects total rs of
+ [] -> findSpace total rs' w h
+ as -> as
+ where largeEnough r = width r >= w && height r >= h
+-- | Substracts smaller rectangles from a total rectangle
+-- , returning a list of remaining rectangular areas.
+substractRects :: Real a => SmartRectangle a
+ -> [SmartRectangle a] -> [SmartRectangle a]
+substractRects total [] = [total]
+substractRects total (r:rs)
+ = do total' <- substractRects total rs
+ filter (not . isEmpty)
+ [ total' {sr_y1 = min (sr_y1 total') (sr_y0 r)} -- Above
+ , total' {sr_x0 = max (sr_x0 total') (sr_x1 r)} -- Right
+ , total' {sr_y0 = max (sr_y0 total') (sr_y1 r)} -- Below
+ , total' {sr_x1 = min (sr_x1 total') (sr_x0 r)} -- Left
+ ]
+-- | "Nubs" a list of rectangles, dropping all those that are
+-- already contained in another rectangle of the list.
+cleanup :: Real a => [SmartRectangle a] -> [SmartRectangle a]
+cleanup rs = foldr dropIfContained [] $ sortBy sizeOrder rs
+sizeOrder :: Real a => SmartRectangle a -> SmartRectangle a -> Ordering
+sizeOrder r1 r2 | w1 < w2 = LT
+ | w1 == w2 && h1 < h2 = LT
+ | w1 == w2 && h1 == h2 = EQ
+ | otherwise = GT
+ where w1 = width r1
+ w2 = width r2
+ h1 = height r1
+ h2 = height r2
+dropIfContained :: Real a => SmartRectangle a
+ -> [SmartRectangle a] -> [SmartRectangle a]
+dropIfContained r rs = if any (`contains` r) rs
+ then rs
+ else r:rs
diff --git a/xmonad-contrib.cabal b/xmonad-contrib.cabal
index 5c224c2..ff7027f 100644
--- a/xmonad-contrib.cabal
+++ b/xmonad-contrib.cabal
@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ library
+ XMonad.Hooks.Place