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diff --git a/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs b/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs
index 037a4b8..befb99a 100644
--- a/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ module XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook (
-- * Stuff for your config file:
withUrgencyHook, withUrgencyHookC,
UrgencyConfig(..), urgencyConfig,
- SuppressWhen(..),
+ SuppressWhen(..), RemindWhen(..),
+ minutes,
DzenUrgencyHook(..), seconds,
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Hooks.EventHook
import XMonad.Util.Dzen (dzenWithArgs, seconds)
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows (getName)
+import XMonad.Util.Timer (TimerId, startTimer, handleTimer)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (when)
@@ -193,19 +195,18 @@ import Foreign (unsafePerformIO)
-- Hopefully you already read the section on how to configure xmonad. If not,
-- hopefully you know where to find it.
--- | This is the method to enable an urgency hook. It suppresses urgency status
--- for windows that are currently visible. If you'd like to change that behavior,
--- use 'withUrgencyHookC'.
+-- | This is the method to enable an urgency hook. It uses the default
+-- 'urgencyConfig' to control behavior. To change this, use 'withUrgencyHook'
+-- instead.
withUrgencyHook :: (LayoutClass l Window, UrgencyHook h) =>
h -> XConfig l -> XConfig (HandleEvent (WithUrgencyHook h) l)
withUrgencyHook hook conf = withUrgencyHookC hook urgencyConfig conf
--- | If you'd like to configure *when* to trigger the urgency hook, call this
--- function with a custom 'UrgencyConfig'. Or, by example:
+-- | This lets you modify the defaults set in 'urgencyConfig'. An example:
-- > withUrgencyHookC dzenUrgencyHook { ... } urgencyConfig { suppressWhen = Focused }
--- (Don't type the @...@, you dolt.) See documentation on your options at 'SuppressWhen'.
+-- (Don't type the @...@, you dolt.) See 'UrgencyConfig' for details on configuration.
withUrgencyHookC :: (LayoutClass l Window, UrgencyHook h) =>
h -> UrgencyConfig -> XConfig l -> XConfig (HandleEvent (WithUrgencyHook h) l)
withUrgencyHookC hook urgConf conf = conf {
@@ -213,16 +214,13 @@ withUrgencyHookC hook urgConf conf = conf {
logHook = cleanupUrgents (suppressWhen urgConf) >> logHook conf
--- | Global configuration, applicable to all types of 'UrgencyHook'.
+-- | Global configuration, applied to all types of 'UrgencyHook'. See
+-- 'urgencyConfig' for the defaults.
data UrgencyConfig = UrgencyConfig
- { suppressWhen :: SuppressWhen -- ^ see 'SuppressWhen' for options
+ { suppressWhen :: SuppressWhen -- ^ when to trigger the urgency hook
+ , remindWhen :: RemindWhen -- ^ when to re-trigger the urgency hook
} deriving (Read, Show)
--- | The default 'UrgencyConfig'. Use a variation of this in your config just
--- as you use a variation of defaultConfig for your xmonad definition.
-urgencyConfig :: UrgencyConfig
-urgencyConfig = UrgencyConfig { suppressWhen = Visible }
-- | A set of choices as to /when/ you should (or rather, shouldn't) be notified of an urgent window.
-- The default is 'Visible'. Prefix each of the following with \"don't bug me when\":
data SuppressWhen = Visible -- ^ the window is currently visible
@@ -231,6 +229,26 @@ data SuppressWhen = Visible -- ^ the window is currently visible
| Never -- ^ ... aww, heck, go ahead and bug me, just in case.
deriving (Read, Show)
+-- | A set of choices as to when you want to be re-notified of an urgent
+-- window. Perhaps you focused on something and you miss the dzen popup bar. Or
+-- you're AFK. Or you feel the need to be more distracted. I don't care.
+-- The interval arguments are in seconds. See the 'minutes' helper.
+data RemindWhen = Dont -- ^ triggering once is enough
+ | Repeatedly Int Interval -- ^ repeat <arg1> times every <arg2> seconds
+ | Every Interval -- ^ repeat every <arg1> until the urgency hint is cleared
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+-- | A prettified way of multiplying by 60. Use like: @(5 `minutes`)@.
+minutes :: Rational -> Rational
+minutes secs = secs * 60
+-- | The default 'UrgencyConfig'. suppressWhen = Visible, remindWhen = Dont.
+-- Use a variation of this in your config just as you use a variation of
+-- defaultConfig for your xmonad definition.
+urgencyConfig :: UrgencyConfig
+urgencyConfig = UrgencyConfig { suppressWhen = Visible, remindWhen = Dont }
-- | Focuses the most recently urgent window. Good for what ails ya -- I mean, your keybindings.
-- Example keybinding:
@@ -255,7 +273,32 @@ readUrgents = io $ readIORef urgents
withUrgents :: ([Window] -> X a) -> X a
withUrgents f = readUrgents >>= f
-data WithUrgencyHook h = WithUrgencyHook h UrgencyConfig deriving (Read, Show)
+adjustUrgents :: ([Window] -> [Window]) -> X ()
+adjustUrgents f = io $ modifyIORef urgents f
+type Interval = Rational
+-- | An urgency reminder, as reified for 'RemindWhen'.
+-- The last value is the countdown number, for 'Repeatedly'.
+data Reminder = Reminder { timer :: TimerId
+ , window :: Window
+ , interval :: Interval
+ , remaining :: Maybe Int
+ } deriving Eq
+-- | Stores the list of urgency reminders.
+{-# NOINLINE reminders #-}
+reminders :: IORef [Reminder]
+reminders = unsafePerformIO (newIORef [])
+readReminders :: X [Reminder]
+readReminders = io $ readIORef reminders
+adjustReminders :: ([Reminder] -> [Reminder]) -> X ()
+adjustReminders f = io $ modifyIORef reminders f
+data WithUrgencyHook h = WithUrgencyHook h UrgencyConfig
+ deriving (Read, Show)
-- The Non-ICCCM Manifesto:
-- Note: Some non-standard choices have been made in this implementation to
@@ -270,33 +313,48 @@ data WithUrgencyHook h = WithUrgencyHook h UrgencyConfig deriving (Read, Show)
-- set urgency if a window is visible. If you have a better idea, please, let us
-- know!
instance UrgencyHook h => EventHook (WithUrgencyHook h) where
- handleEvent wuh event =
- case event of
+ handleEvent wuh event = case event of
PropertyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_atom = a, ev_window = w } -> do
when (t == propertyNotify && a == wM_HINTS) $ withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
WMHints { wmh_flags = flags } <- io $ getWMHints dpy w
if (testBit flags urgencyHintBit) then do
- -- Add to list of urgents.
adjustUrgents (\ws -> if elem w ws then ws else w : ws)
- -- Call the urgencyHook.
callUrgencyHook wuh w
- else do
- -- Remove from list of urgents.
- adjustUrgents (delete w)
- -- Call logHook after IORef has been modified.
- userCode =<< asks (logHook . config)
- DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w} -> do
- adjustUrgents (delete w)
+ else
+ clearUrgency w
+ userCode =<< asks (logHook . config) -- call *after* IORef has been modified
+ DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w} ->
+ clearUrgency w
_ ->
- return ()
-adjustUrgents :: ([Window] -> [Window]) -> X ()
-adjustUrgents f = io $ modifyIORef urgents f
+ mapM_ handleReminder =<< readReminders
+ where clearUrgency w = adjustUrgents (delete w) >> adjustReminders (filter $ (w /=) . window)
+ handleReminder reminder = handleTimer (timer reminder) event $ reminderHook wuh reminder
callUrgencyHook :: UrgencyHook h => WithUrgencyHook h -> Window -> X ()
-callUrgencyHook (WithUrgencyHook hook UrgencyConfig { suppressWhen = sw }) w =
- whenX (not <$> shouldSuppress sw w)
- (userCode $ urgencyHook hook w)
+callUrgencyHook (WithUrgencyHook hook UrgencyConfig { suppressWhen = sw, remindWhen = rw }) w =
+ whenX (not <$> shouldSuppress sw w) $ do
+ userCode $ urgencyHook hook w
+ case rw of
+ Repeatedly times int -> addReminder w int $ Just times
+ Every int -> addReminder w int Nothing
+ Dont -> return ()
+addReminder :: Window -> Rational -> Maybe Int -> X ()
+addReminder w int times = do
+ timerId <- startTimer int
+ let reminder = Reminder timerId w int times
+ adjustReminders (\rs -> if w `elem` map window rs then rs else reminder : rs)
+reminderHook :: UrgencyHook h => WithUrgencyHook h -> Reminder -> X (Maybe a)
+reminderHook (WithUrgencyHook hook _) reminder = do
+ case remaining reminder of
+ Just x | x > 0 -> remind $ Just (x - 1)
+ Just _ -> adjustReminders $ delete reminder
+ Nothing -> remind Nothing
+ return Nothing
+ where remind remaining' = do userCode $ urgencyHook hook (window reminder)
+ adjustReminders $ delete reminder
+ addReminder (window reminder) (interval reminder) remaining'
shouldSuppress :: SuppressWhen -> Window -> X Bool
shouldSuppress sw w = elem w <$> suppressibleWindows sw