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diff --git a/XMonad/Util/EZConfig.hs b/XMonad/Util/EZConfig.hs
index 8dce949..407cd5a 100644
--- a/XMonad/Util/EZConfig.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Util/EZConfig.hs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import XMonad.Actions.Submap
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List (foldl', intersperse, sortBy, groupBy, nub)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, isNothing, isJust, fromJust)
+import Data.Maybe
import Control.Arrow (first, (&&&))
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
@@ -205,16 +205,14 @@ op `on` f = \x y -> f x `op` f y
-- @(KeyMask,KeySym)@ pairs. Key sequences which fail to parse will
-- be ignored.
readKeymap :: XConfig l -> [(String, X())] -> [([(KeyMask,KeySym)], X())]
-readKeymap c = catMaybes . map (maybeKeys . first (readKeySequence c))
+readKeymap c = mapMaybe (maybeKeys . first (readKeySequence c))
where maybeKeys (Nothing,_) = Nothing
maybeKeys (Just k, act) = Just (k, act)
-- | Parse a sequence of keys, returning Nothing if there is
-- a parse failure (no parse, or ambiguous parse).
readKeySequence :: XConfig l -> String -> Maybe [(KeyMask, KeySym)]
-readKeySequence c s = case parses s of
- [k] -> Just k
- _ -> Nothing
+readKeySequence c = listToMaybe . parses
where parses = map fst . filter (null.snd) . readP_to_S (parseKeySequence c)
-- | Parse a sequence of key combinations separated by spaces, e.g.
@@ -271,30 +269,30 @@ functionKeys = [ ("F" ++ show n, k)
-- | A list of special key names and their corresponding KeySyms.
specialKeys :: [(String, KeySym)]
-specialKeys = [ ("Backspace", xK_BackSpace)
- , ("Tab" , xK_Tab )
- , ("Return" , xK_Return)
- , ("Pause" , xK_Pause)
+specialKeys = [ ("Backspace" , xK_BackSpace)
+ , ("Tab" , xK_Tab)
+ , ("Return" , xK_Return)
+ , ("Pause" , xK_Pause)
, ("Scroll_lock", xK_Scroll_Lock)
- , ("Sys_Req" , xK_Sys_Req)
- , ("Escape" , xK_Escape)
- , ("Esc" , xK_Escape)
- , ("Delete" , xK_Delete)
- , ("Home" , xK_Home)
- , ("Left" , xK_Left)
- , ("Up" , xK_Up)
- , ("Right" , xK_Right)
- , ("Down" , xK_Down)
- , ("L" , xK_Left)
- , ("U" , xK_Up)
- , ("R" , xK_Right)
- , ("D" , xK_Down)
- , ("Page_Up" , xK_Page_Up)
- , ("Page_Down", xK_Page_Down)
- , ("End" , xK_End)
- , ("Insert" , xK_Insert)
- , ("Break" , xK_Break)
- , ("Space" , xK_space)
+ , ("Sys_Req" , xK_Sys_Req)
+ , ("Escape" , xK_Escape)
+ , ("Esc" , xK_Escape)
+ , ("Delete" , xK_Delete)
+ , ("Home" , xK_Home)
+ , ("Left" , xK_Left)
+ , ("Up" , xK_Up)
+ , ("Right" , xK_Right)
+ , ("Down" , xK_Down)
+ , ("L" , xK_Left)
+ , ("U" , xK_Up)
+ , ("R" , xK_Right)
+ , ("D" , xK_Down)
+ , ("Page_Up" , xK_Page_Up)
+ , ("Page_Down" , xK_Page_Down)
+ , ("End" , xK_End)
+ , ("Insert" , xK_Insert)
+ , ("Break" , xK_Break)
+ , ("Space" , xK_space)
-- | Given a configuration record and a list of (key sequence