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diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
index 513d4ac..00b2138 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ module XMonad.Actions.GridSelect (
+ gridselectWorkspace',
@@ -66,6 +67,12 @@ module XMonad.Actions.GridSelect (
+ -- * Rearrangers
+ -- $rearrangers
+ Rearranger,
+ noRearranger,
+ searchStringRearrangerGenerator,
-- * Screenshots
-- $screenshots
@@ -196,6 +203,7 @@ data GSConfig a = GSConfig {
gs_colorizer :: a -> Bool -> X (String, String),
gs_font :: String,
gs_navigate :: TwoD a (Maybe a),
+ gs_rearranger :: Rearranger a,
gs_originFractX :: Double,
gs_originFractY :: Double
@@ -241,11 +249,15 @@ data TwoDState a = TwoDState { td_curpos :: TwoDPosition
, td_elementmap :: TwoDElementMap a
-generateElementmap :: TwoDState a -> TwoDElementMap a
-generateElementmap s = zip positions sortedElements
+generateElementmap :: TwoDState a -> X (TwoDElementMap a)
+generateElementmap s = do
+ rearrangedElements <- rearranger searchString sortedElements
+ return $ zip positions rearrangedElements
TwoDState {td_availSlots = positions,
+ td_gsconfig = gsconfig,
td_searchString = searchString} = s
+ GSConfig {gs_rearranger = rearranger} = gsconfig
-- Filter out any elements that don't contain the searchString (case insensitive)
filteredElements = L.filter ((searchString `isInfixOfI`) . fst) (td_elements s)
-- Sorts the elementmap
@@ -378,7 +390,7 @@ stdHandle :: Event -> TwoD a (Maybe a) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
stdHandle (ButtonEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_x = x, ev_y = y }) contEventloop
| t == buttonRelease = do
s @ TwoDState { td_paneX = px, td_paneY = py,
- td_gsconfig = (GSConfig ch cw _ _ _ _ _ _) } <- get
+ td_gsconfig = (GSConfig ch cw _ _ _ _ _ _ _) } <- get
let gridX = (fi x - (px - cw) `div` 2) `div` cw
gridY = (fi y - (py - ch) `div` 2) `div` ch
case lookup (gridX,gridY) (td_elementmap s) of
@@ -476,8 +488,8 @@ transformSearchString f = do
when (newSearchString /= oldSearchString) $ do
-- FIXME curpos might end up outside new bounds
let s' = s { td_searchString = newSearchString }
- m = generateElementmap s'
- s'' = s' { td_elementmap = m }
+ m <- liftX $ generateElementmap s'
+ let s'' = s' { td_elementmap = m }
oldLen = length $ td_elementmap s
newLen = length $ td_elementmap s''
-- All the elements in the previous element map should be
@@ -662,7 +674,7 @@ gridselect gsconfig elements =
td_drawingWin = win,
td_searchString = "",
td_elementmap = [] }
- m = generateElementmap s
+ m <- generateElementmap s
evalTwoD (updateAllElements >> (gs_navigate gsconfig))
(s { td_elementmap = m })
@@ -701,7 +713,7 @@ decorateName' w = do
-- | Builds a default gs config from a colorizer function.
buildDefaultGSConfig :: (a -> Bool -> X (String,String)) -> GSConfig a
-buildDefaultGSConfig col = GSConfig 50 130 10 col "xft:Sans-8" defaultNavigation (1/2) (1/2)
+buildDefaultGSConfig col = GSConfig 50 130 10 col "xft:Sans-8" defaultNavigation noRearranger (1/2) (1/2)
borderColor :: String
borderColor = "white"
@@ -737,6 +749,44 @@ runSelectedAction conf actions = do
-- > gridselectWorkspace (\ws -> W.greedyView ws . W.shift ws)
gridselectWorkspace :: GSConfig WorkspaceId ->
(WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
-gridselectWorkspace conf viewFunc = withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
+gridselectWorkspace conf viewFunc = gridselectWorkspace' conf (windows . viewFunc)
+-- | Select a workspace and run an arbitrary action on it.
+gridselectWorkspace' :: GSConfig WorkspaceId -> (WorkspaceId -> X ()) -> X ()
+gridselectWorkspace' conf func = withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
let wss = map W.tag $ W.hidden ws ++ map W.workspace (W.current ws : W.visible ws)
- gridselect conf (zip wss wss) >>= flip whenJust (windows . viewFunc)
+ gridselect conf (zip wss wss) >>= flip whenJust func
+-- $rearrangers
+-- Rearrangers allow for arbitrary post-filter rearranging of the grid
+-- elements.
+-- For example, to be able to switch to a new dynamic workspace by typing
+-- in its name, you can use the following keybinding action:
+-- > import XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces (addWorkspace)
+-- >
+-- > gridselectWorkspace' defaultGSConfig
+-- > { gs_navigate = navNSearch
+-- > , gs_rearranger = searchStringRearrangerGenerator id
+-- > }
+-- > addWorkspace
+-- | A function taking the search string and a list of elements, and
+-- returning a potentially rearranged list of elements.
+type Rearranger a = String -> [(String, a)] -> X [(String, a)]
+-- | A rearranger that leaves the elements unmodified.
+noRearranger :: Rearranger a
+noRearranger _ = return
+-- | A generator for rearrangers that append a single element based on the
+-- search string, if doing so would not be redundant (empty string or value
+-- already present).
+searchStringRearrangerGenerator :: (String -> a) -> Rearranger a
+searchStringRearrangerGenerator f =
+ let r "" xs = return $ xs
+ r s xs | s `elem` map fst xs = return $ xs
+ | otherwise = return $ xs ++ [(s, f s)]
+ in r