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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/WindowNavigation.hs b/WindowNavigation.hs
index 04a323b..8c66a5a 100644
--- a/WindowNavigation.hs
+++ b/WindowNavigation.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import XMonadContrib.XUtils
-- > import XMonadContrib.WindowNavigation
-- >
--- > defaultLayout = Layout $ windowNavigation defaultWNConfig $ Select ...
+-- > layoutHook = Layout $ windowNavigation defaultWNConfig $ Select ...
-- In keybindings:
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ import XMonadContrib.XUtils
-- %keybind , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_Left), sendMessage $ Swap L)
-- %keybind , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_Up), sendMessage $ Swap U)
-- %keybind , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_Down), sendMessage $ Swap D)
--- %layout -- include 'windowNavigation' in defaultLayout definition above.
+-- %layout -- include 'windowNavigation' in layoutHook definition above.
-- %layout -- just before the list, like the following (don't uncomment next line):
--- %layout -- defaultLayout = Layout $ windowNavigation defaultWNConfig $ ...
+-- %layout -- layoutHook = Layout $ windowNavigation defaultWNConfig $ ...
data Navigate = Go Direction | Swap Direction deriving ( Read, Show, Typeable )