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2 files changed, 147 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/Anneal.hs b/Anneal.hs
index 5083030..093a570 100644
--- a/Anneal.hs
+++ b/Anneal.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
module XMonadContrib.Anneal ( Rated(Rated), the_value, the_rating, anneal ) where
+import System.Random ( StdGen, Random, mkStdGen, randomR )
+import Control.Monad.State ( State, runState, put, get, gets, modify )
data Rated a b = Rated !a !b
deriving ( Show )
instance Functor (Rated a) where
@@ -16,4 +19,52 @@ instance Ord a => Ord (Rated a b) where
compare (Rated a _) (Rated a' _) = compare a a'
anneal :: a -> (a -> Double) -> (a -> [a]) -> Rated Double a
-anneal = undefined
+anneal st r sel = runAnneal st r (do_anneal sel)
+do_anneal :: (a -> [a]) -> State (Anneal a) (Rated Double a)
+do_anneal sel = do sequence_ $ replicate 100 da
+ gets best
+ where da = do select_metropolis sel
+ modify $ \s -> s { temperature = temperature s *0.99 }
+data Anneal a = A { g :: StdGen
+ , best :: Rated Double a
+ , current :: Rated Double a
+ , rate :: a -> Rated Double a
+ , temperature :: Double }
+runAnneal :: a -> (a -> Double) -> State (Anneal a) b -> b
+runAnneal start r x = fst $ runState x (A { g = mkStdGen 137
+ , best = Rated (r start) start
+ , current = Rated (r start) start
+ , rate = \xx -> Rated (r xx) xx
+ , temperature = 1.0 })
+select_metropolis :: (a -> [a]) -> State (Anneal a) ()
+select_metropolis x = do c <- gets current
+ a <- select $ x $ the_value c
+ metropolis a
+metropolis :: a -> State (Anneal a) ()
+metropolis x = do r <- gets rate
+ c <- gets current
+ t <- gets temperature
+ let rx = r x
+ boltz = exp $ (the_rating c - the_rating rx) / t
+ if rx < c then do modify $ \s -> s { current = rx, best = rx }
+ else do p <- getOne (0,1)
+ if p < boltz
+ then modify $ \s -> s { current = rx }
+ else return ()
+select :: [a] -> State (Anneal x) a
+select [] = error "empty list in select"
+select [x] = return x
+select xs = do n <- getOne (0,length xs - 1)
+ return (xs !! n)
+getOne :: (Random a) => (a,a) -> State (Anneal x) a
+getOne bounds = do s <- get
+ (x,g') <- return $ randomR bounds (g s)
+ put $ s { g = g' }
+ return x
diff --git a/Mosaic.hs b/Mosaic.hs
index b07b331..bfe1b10 100644
--- a/Mosaic.hs
+++ b/Mosaic.hs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ tallWindow = TallWindow
wideWindow = WideWindow
largeNumber, mediumNumber, resolutionNumber :: Int
-largeNumber = 200
+largeNumber = 50
mediumNumber = 10
resolutionNumber = 100
@@ -121,22 +121,22 @@ mosaicL f hints origRect origws
= do namedws <- mapM getName origws
let sortedws = reverse $ map the_value $ sort $ map (\w -> Rated (sumareas [w]) w) namedws
myv = runCountDown largeNumber $ mosaic_splits even_split origRect Vertical sortedws
- myv2 = maxL $ runCountDown largeNumber $
- sequence $ replicate mediumNumber $
- mosaic_splits one_split origRect Vertical sortedws
+ myv2 = mc_mosaic sortedws Vertical
+ myh2 = mc_mosaic sortedws Horizontal
+-- myv2 = maxL $ runCountDown largeNumber $
+-- sequence $ replicate mediumNumber $
+-- mosaic_splits one_split origRect Vertical sortedws
myh = runCountDown largeNumber $ mosaic_splits even_split origRect Horizontal sortedws
- myh2 = maxL $ runCountDown largeNumber $
- sequence $ replicate mediumNumber $
- mosaic_splits one_split origRect Horizontal sortedws
- return $ map (\(nw,r)->(trace ("rate1:"++ unlines [show nw,
- show $ rate f meanarea (findlist nw hints) r,
- show r,
- show $ area r/meanarea,
- show $ findlist nw hints]) $
+-- myh2 = maxL $ runCountDown largeNumber $
+-- sequence $ replicate mediumNumber $
+-- mosaic_splits one_split origRect Horizontal sortedws
+ return $ map (\(nw,r)->(--trace ("rate1:"++ unlines [show nw,
+ -- show $ rate f meanarea (findlist nw hints) r,
+ -- show r,
+ -- show $ area r/meanarea,
+ -- show $ findlist nw hints]) $
unName nw,crop' (findlist nw hints) r)) $
- flattenMosaic $ the_value $
- trace ("ratings: "++ show (map the_rating [myv,myh,myv2,myh2])) $
- maxL [myv,myh,myv2,myh2]
+ flattenMosaic $ the_value $ maxL [myh2,myv2]
where mosaic_splits _ _ _ [] = return $ Rated 0 $ M []
mosaic_splits _ r _ [w] = return $ Rated (rate f meanarea (findlist w hints) r) $ OM (w,r)
mosaic_splits spl r d ws = maxL `fmap` mapCD (spl r d) (init $ allsplits ws)
@@ -150,6 +150,32 @@ mosaicL f hints origRect origws
submosaics <- mapM (\(ws',r') ->
mosaic_splits even_split r' (otherDirection d) ws') wsr_s
return $ fmap M $ catRated submosaics
+ another_mosaic :: [NamedWindow] -> CutDirection
+ -> Rated Double (Mosaic (NamedWindow,Rectangle))
+ another_mosaic ws d = rate_mosaic ratew $
+ rect_mosaic origRect d $
+ zipML (example_mosaic ws) (map findarea ws)
+ mc_mosaic :: [NamedWindow] -> CutDirection
+ -> Rated Double (Mosaic (NamedWindow,Rectangle))
+ mc_mosaic ws d = fmap (rect_mosaic origRect d) $
+ anneal (zipML (example_mosaic ws) (map findarea ws))
+ (the_rating . rate_mosaic ratew . rect_mosaic origRect d )
+ changeMosaic
+ ratew :: (NamedWindow,Rectangle) -> Double
+ ratew (w,r) = rate f meanarea (findlist w hints) r
+ example_mosaic :: [NamedWindow] -> Mosaic NamedWindow
+ example_mosaic ws = M (map OM ws)
+ rect_mosaic :: Rectangle -> CutDirection -> Mosaic (a,Double) -> Mosaic (a,Rectangle)
+ rect_mosaic r _ (OM (w,_)) = OM (w,r)
+ rect_mosaic r d (M ws) = M $ zipWith (\w' r' -> rect_mosaic r' d' w') ws rs
+ where areas = map (sum . map snd . flattenMosaic) ws
+ rs = partitionR d r areas
+ d' = otherDirection d
+ rate_mosaic :: ((NamedWindow,Rectangle) -> Double)
+ -> Mosaic (NamedWindow,Rectangle) -> Rated Double (Mosaic (NamedWindow,Rectangle))
+ rate_mosaic r m = catRatedM $ fmap (\x -> Rated (r x) x) m
one_split :: Rectangle -> CutDirection -> [[NamedWindow]]
-> State CountDown (Rated Double (Mosaic (NamedWindow, Rectangle)))
one_split r d [ws] = one_split r d $ map (:[]) ws
@@ -160,7 +186,7 @@ mosaicL f hints origRect origws
submosaics <- mapM (\(ws',r') ->
mosaic_splits even_split r' (otherDirection d) ws') wsr_s
return $ fmap M $ catRated submosaics
partitionR :: CutDirection -> Rectangle -> [Double] -> [Rectangle]
partitionR _ _ [] = []
partitionR _ r [_] = [r]
@@ -168,7 +194,9 @@ mosaicL f hints origRect origws
where totarea = sum (a:ars)
(r1,r2) = split d (a/totarea) r
theareas = hints2area `fmap` hints
- sumareas ws = sum $ map (\w -> M.findWithDefault 1 w theareas) ws
+ sumareas ws = sum $ map findarea ws
+ findarea :: NamedWindow -> Double
+ findarea w = M.findWithDefault 1 w theareas
meanarea = area origRect / fromIntegral (length origws)
maxL :: Ord a => [a] -> a
@@ -179,6 +207,10 @@ maxL (a:b:c) = maxL (max a b:c)
catRated :: Floating v => [Rated v a] -> Rated v [a]
catRated xs = Rated (product $ map the_rating xs) (map the_value xs)
+catRatedM :: Floating v => Mosaic (Rated v a) -> Rated v (Mosaic a)
+catRatedM (OM (Rated v x)) = Rated v (OM x)
+catRatedM (M xs) = case catRated $ map catRatedM xs of Rated v xs' -> Rated v (M xs')
data CountDown = CD !StdGen !Int
runCountDown :: Int -> State CountDown a -> a
@@ -204,15 +236,6 @@ run_with_only limit j =
put $ CD g' (leftover + n')
return x
-getOne :: (Random a) => (a,a) -> State CountDown a
-getOne bounds = do CD g n <- get
- (x,g') <- return $ randomR bounds g
- put $ CD g' n
- return x
-fractional :: Int -> State CountDown Double
-fractional n = ((/ fromIntegral n).fromIntegral) `fmap` getOne (1,n)
data WindowHint = RelArea Double
| AspectRatio Double
| FlexibleAspectRatio Double
@@ -280,6 +303,52 @@ data Mosaic a where
OM :: a -> Mosaic a
deriving ( Show )
+instance Functor Mosaic where
+ fmap f (OM x) = OM (f x)
+ fmap f (M xs) = M (map (fmap f) xs)
+zipMLwith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Mosaic a -> [b] -> Mosaic c
+zipMLwith f (OM x) (y:_) = OM (f x y)
+zipMLwith _ (OM _) [] = error "bad zipMLwith"
+zipMLwith f (M xxs) yys = makeM $ foo xxs yys
+ where foo (x:xs) ys = zipMLwith f x (take (lengthM x) ys) :
+ foo xs (drop (lengthM x) ys)
+ foo [] _ = []
+zipML :: Mosaic a -> [b] -> Mosaic (a,b)
+zipML = zipMLwith (\a b -> (a,b))
+lengthM :: Mosaic a -> Int
+lengthM (OM _) = 1
+lengthM (M x) = sum $ map lengthM x
+changeMosaic :: Mosaic a -> [Mosaic a]
+changeMosaic (OM a) = []
+changeMosaic (M xs) = [makeM $ reverse xs] ++
+ map makeM (concatenations xs) ++
+ map makeM (splits xs) -- should also change the lower level
+splits :: [Mosaic a] -> [[Mosaic a]]
+splits [] = []
+splits (OM x:y) = map (OM x:) $ splits y
+splits (M (x:y):z) = (x:makeM y:z) : map (makeM (x:y) :) (splits z)
+splits (M []:x) = splits x
+concatenations :: [Mosaic a] -> [[Mosaic a]]
+concatenations (x:y:z) = (concatenateMosaic x y:z):(map (x:) $ concatenations (y:z))
+concatenations _ = []
+concatenateMosaic :: Mosaic a -> Mosaic a -> Mosaic a
+concatenateMosaic (OM a) (OM b) = M [OM a, OM b]
+concatenateMosaic (OM a) (M b) = M (OM a:b)
+concatenateMosaic (M a) (OM b) = M (a++[OM b])
+concatenateMosaic (M a) (M b) = M (a++b)
+makeM :: [Mosaic a] -> Mosaic a
+makeM [m] = m
+makeM [] = error "makeM []"
+makeM ms = M ms
flattenMosaic :: Mosaic a -> [a]
flattenMosaic (OM a) = [a]
flattenMosaic (M xs) = concatMap flattenMosaic xs