path: root/XMonad
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authorBrent Yorgey <byorgey@gmail.com>2008-02-01 13:15:24 +0100
committerBrent Yorgey <byorgey@gmail.com>2008-02-01 13:15:24 +0100
commita99d18cccbaa0d2c26d4d85b2bf7fb13eb9462c5 (patch)
treee2468d69d053dd492ad815e97f48eabb38db2974 /XMonad
parent67af43c814819f0c836f796b6f1c61cc446143df (diff)
CycleWS: add more general functionality that now subsumes the functionality of RotView. Now with parameterized workspace sorting and predicates!
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 169 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/CycleWS.hs b/XMonad/Actions/CycleWS.hs
index 38a8d53..c63afe9 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/CycleWS.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/CycleWS.hs
@@ -9,27 +9,70 @@
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
--- Provides bindings to cycle forward or backward through the list
--- of workspaces, and to move windows there, and to cycle between the screens.
+-- Provides bindings to cycle forward or backward through the list of
+-- workspaces, to move windows between workspaces, and to cycle
+-- between screens. More general combinators provide ways to cycle
+-- through workspaces in various orders, to only cycle through some
+-- subset of workspaces, and to cycle by more than one workspace at a
+-- time.
+-- Note that this module now subsumes the functionality of
+-- "XMonad.Actions.RotView". To wit, 'XMonad.Actions.RotView.rotView'
+-- can be implemented in terms of "XMonad.Actions.CycleWS" functions as
+-- > rotView b = do t <- findWorkspace getSortByTag (bToDir b) NonEmptyWS 1
+-- > windows . greedyView $ t
+-- > where bToDir True = Next
+-- > bToDir False = Prev
+-- Of course, usually one would want to use
+-- 'XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare.getSortByIndex' instead of
+-- 'XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare.getSortByTag', to cycle through the
+-- workspaces in the order in which they are listed in your config,
+-- instead of alphabetical order (as is the default in
+-- 'XMonad.Actions.RotView.rotView'). In this case one can simply use
+-- @moveTo Next NonEmptyWS@ and @moveTo Prev NonEmptyWS@ in place of
+-- @rotView True@ and @rotView False@, respectively.
module XMonad.Actions.CycleWS (
- -- * Usage
- -- $usage
- nextWS,
- prevWS,
- shiftToNext,
- shiftToPrev,
- toggleWS,
- nextScreen,
- prevScreen,
- shiftNextScreen,
- shiftPrevScreen
+ -- * Usage
+ -- $usage
+ -- * Moving between workspaces
+ -- $moving
+ nextWS
+ , prevWS
+ , shiftToNext
+ , shiftToPrev
+ , toggleWS
+ -- * Moving between screens (xinerama)
+ , nextScreen
+ , prevScreen
+ , shiftNextScreen
+ , shiftPrevScreen
+ -- * Moving between workspaces, take two!
+ -- $taketwo
+ , WSDirection(..)
+ , WSType(..)
+ , shiftTo
+ , moveTo
+ -- * The mother-combinator
+ , findWorkspace
) where
import Data.List ( findIndex )
-import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
+import Data.Maybe ( isNothing, isJust )
import XMonad hiding (workspaces)
import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
@@ -39,7 +82,9 @@ import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ file:
-- > import XMonad.Actions.CycleWS
+-- >
+-- > -- a basic CycleWS setup
+-- >
-- > , ((modMask x, xK_Down), nextWS)
-- > , ((modMask x, xK_Up), prevWS)
-- > , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Down), shiftToNext)
@@ -55,27 +100,45 @@ import XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare
-- > , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Down), shiftToNext >> nextWS)
-- > , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Up), shiftToPrev >> prevWS)
+-- You can also get fancier with 'moveTo', 'shiftTo', and 'findWorkspace'.
+-- For example:
+-- > , ((modMask x , xK_f), moveTo Next EmptyWS) -- find a free workspace
+-- > , ((modMask x .|. controlMask, xK_Right), -- a crazy keybinding!
+-- > do t <- findWorkspace getXineramaWsCompare Next NonEmptyWS 2
+-- > windows . view $ t )
-- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings".
+{- $moving
+The following commands for moving the view and windows between
+workspaces are somewhat inflexible, but are very simple and probably
+Do The Right Thing for most users.
+All of the commands in this section cycle through workspaces in the
+order in which they are given in your config.
--- | Switch to next workspace
+-- | Switch to the next workspace.
nextWS :: X ()
nextWS = switchWorkspace 1
--- | Switch to previous workspace
+-- | Switch to the previous workspace.
prevWS :: X ()
prevWS = switchWorkspace (-1)
--- | Move focused window to next workspace
+-- | Move the focused window to the next workspace.
shiftToNext :: X ()
shiftToNext = shiftBy 1
--- | Move focused window to previous workspace
+-- | Move the focused window to the previous workspace.
shiftToPrev :: X ()
shiftToPrev = shiftBy (-1)
--- | Toggle to the workspace displayed previously
+-- | Toggle to the workspace displayed previously.
toggleWS :: X ()
toggleWS = windows $ view =<< tag . head . hidden
@@ -86,12 +149,90 @@ shiftBy :: Int -> X ()
shiftBy d = wsBy d >>= windows . shift
wsBy :: Int -> X (WorkspaceId)
-wsBy d = do
- ws <- gets windowset
- sort' <- getSortByTag
- let orderedWs = sort' (workspaces ws)
- let now = fromMaybe 0 $ findWsIndex (workspace (current ws)) orderedWs
- let next = orderedWs !! ((now + d) `mod` length orderedWs)
+wsBy = findWorkspace getSortByIndex Next AnyWS
+{- $taketwo
+A few more general commands are also provided, which allow cycling
+through subsets of workspaces.
+For example,
+> moveTo Next EmptyWS
+will move to the first available workspace with no windows, and
+> shiftTo Prev (WSIs $ return (('p' `elem`) . tag))
+will move the focused window backwards to the first workspace containing
+the letter 'p' in its name. =)
+-- | Direction to cycle through the sort order.
+data WSDirection = Next | Prev
+-- | What type of workspaces should be included in the cycle?
+data WSType = EmptyWS -- ^ cycle through empty workspaces
+ | NonEmptyWS -- ^ cycle through non-empty workspaces
+ | AnyWS -- ^ cycle through all workspaces
+ | WSIs (X (WindowSpace -> Bool))
+ -- ^ cycle through workspaces satisfying
+ -- an arbitrary predicate
+-- | Convert a WSType value to a predicate on workspaces.
+wsTypeToPred :: WSType -> X (WindowSpace -> Bool)
+wsTypeToPred EmptyWS = return (isNothing . stack)
+wsTypeToPred NonEmptyWS = return (isJust . stack)
+wsTypeToPred AnyWS = return (const True)
+wsTypeToPred (WSIs p) = p
+-- | View the next workspace in the given direction that satisfies
+-- the given condition.
+moveTo :: WSDirection -> WSType -> X ()
+moveTo dir t = findWorkspace getSortByIndex dir t 1 >>= windows . greedyView
+-- | Move the currently focused window to the next workspace in the
+-- given direction that satisfies the given condition.
+shiftTo :: WSDirection -> WSType -> X ()
+shiftTo dir t = findWorkspace getSortByIndex dir t 1 >>= windows . shift
+-- | Given a function @s@ to sort workspaces, a direction @dir@, a
+-- predicate @p@ on workspaces, and an integer @n@, find the tag of
+-- the workspace which is @n@ away from the current workspace in
+-- direction @dir@ (wrapping around if necessary), among those
+-- workspaces, sorted by @s@, which satisfy @p@.
+-- For some useful workspace sorting functions, see
+-- "XMonad.Util.WorkspaceCompare".
+-- For ideas of what to do with a workspace tag once obtained, note
+-- that 'moveTo' and 'shiftTo' are implemented by applying @(>>=
+-- windows . greedyView)@ and @(>>= windows . shift)@, respectively,
+-- to the output of 'findWorkspace'.
+findWorkspace :: X WorkspaceSort -> WSDirection -> WSType -> Int -> X WorkspaceId
+findWorkspace s dir t n = findWorkspaceGen s (wsTypeToPred t) (maybeNegate dir n)
+ where
+ maybeNegate Next d = d
+ maybeNegate Prev d = (-d)
+findWorkspaceGen :: X WorkspaceSort -> X (WindowSpace -> Bool) -> Int -> X WorkspaceId
+findWorkspaceGen _ _ 0 = (tag . workspace . current) `fmap` gets windowset
+findWorkspaceGen sortX wsPredX d = do
+ wsPred <- wsPredX
+ sort <- sortX
+ ws <- gets windowset
+ let cur = workspace (current ws)
+ sorted = sort (workspaces ws)
+ pivoted = let (a,b) = span ((/= (tag cur)) . tag) sorted in b ++ a
+ ws' = filter wsPred $ pivoted
+ mCurIx = findWsIndex cur ws'
+ d' = if d > 0 then d - 1 else d
+ next = if null ws'
+ then cur
+ else case mCurIx of
+ Nothing -> ws' !! (d' `mod` length ws')
+ Just ix -> ws' !! ((ix + d) `mod` length ws')
return $ tag next
findWsIndex :: WindowSpace -> [WindowSpace] -> Maybe Int
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/RotView.hs b/XMonad/Actions/RotView.hs
index a77177c..f7c1333 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/RotView.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/RotView.hs
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
-- $usage
+-- NOTE: This module is deprecated; see "XMonad.Actions.CycleWS".
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Actions.RotView