path: root/XMonad
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authorDaniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe@gmail.com>2010-01-14 00:30:36 +0100
committerDaniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe@gmail.com>2010-01-14 00:30:36 +0100
commit89d40bb48aed82c19c2dcf95a3317375268623a9 (patch)
treedbfce4c33d9e8565f7258c4d072dc87906ea3673 /XMonad
parent9f35e9a690ce9a7a7990567b0bbb0724f9618ac4 (diff)
Add a way to cycle only through matching history entries in X.Prompt
Ignore-this: d67aedb25f2cc6f329a78d5d3eebdd2b This patch adds a way go up through X.Prompt's history using only those entries that start with the current input, similar to zsh's `history-search-backward'. darcs-hash:20100113233036-7f603-e35d5dffbccfa6220ff8d387e84dc2ba95b7d2da.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Prompt.hs b/XMonad/Prompt.hs
index 087da9f..d0a7d68 100644
--- a/XMonad/Prompt.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Prompt.hs
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ module XMonad.Prompt
-- * History filters
, deleteAllDuplicates
, deleteConsecutive
+ , HistoryMatches
+ , initMatches
+ , historyUpMatching
) where
import Prelude hiding (catch)
@@ -80,6 +83,7 @@ import Data.Char
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
+import Data.IORef
import Data.Set (fromList, toList)
import System.Directory
import System.IO
@@ -876,3 +880,39 @@ uniqSort = toList . fromList
deleteAllDuplicates, deleteConsecutive :: [String] -> [String]
deleteAllDuplicates = nub
deleteConsecutive = map head . group
+newtype HistoryMatches = HistoryMatches (IORef ([String],[String]))
+-- | Initializes a new HistoryMatches structure to be passed
+-- to historyUpMatching
+initMatches :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => m HistoryMatches
+initMatches = HistoryMatches <$> liftIO (newIORef ([],[]))
+-- | Retrieve the next history element that starts with
+-- the current input. Pass it an IORef containing two empty lists
+-- when creating the prompt. Example:
+-- > ..
+-- > ((modMask,xK_p), shellPrompt . myPrompt =<< initMatches)
+-- > ..
+-- > myPrompt ref = defaultPrompt
+-- > { promptKeymap = M.union [((0,xK_Up), historyMatching ref)] (promptKeymap defaultPrompt)
+-- > , .. }
+historyUpMatching :: HistoryMatches -> XP ()
+historyUpMatching hm@(HistoryMatches ref) = do
+ (completed,completions) <- io $ readIORef ref
+ input <- getInput
+ if input `elem` completed
+ then case completions of
+ (c:cs) -> do
+ modify (setCommand c)
+ modify $ \s -> s { offset = length c }
+ io $ writeIORef ref (c:completed,cs)
+ _ -> return ()
+ else do -- the user typed something new, recompute completions
+ io . writeIORef ref . ((,) [input]) . filterMatching input =<< gets commandHistory
+ historyUpMatching hm
+ where filterMatching :: String -> W.Stack String -> [String]
+ filterMatching prefix =
+ filter (prefix `isPrefixOf`) . tail . cycle . nub . W.integrate