path: root/XMonad
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authorNorbert Zeh <nzeh@cs.dal.ca>2009-01-29 16:21:46 +0100
committerNorbert Zeh <nzeh@cs.dal.ca>2009-01-29 16:21:46 +0100
commit370c67d2afe9b27e6e63739052acb8d4897152d1 (patch)
treef5287cee737170fdc106178eb33f4971c57af5ed /XMonad
parent6e300c9ff1f7b5e8f6749711e9fe0c349a2c315e (diff)
Added GridVariants.SplitGrid
GridVariants.TallGrid behaved weird when transformed using Mirror or Reflect. The new layout SplitGrid does away with the need for such transformations by taking a parameter to specify horizontal or vertical splits. darcs-hash:20090129152146-18a2b-a1b4d6b5d4810cc496f268259356edf2ed79000b.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/GridVariants.hs b/XMonad/Layout/GridVariants.hs
index 20c970d..15fed70 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/GridVariants.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/GridVariants.hs
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ module XMonad.Layout.GridVariants ( -- * Usage
, Grid(..)
, TallGrid(..)
+ , SplitGrid(..)
+ , Orientation(..)
) where
import Control.Monad
@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-- $usage
-- This module can be used as follows:
--- > import XMonad.Layout.Master
+-- > import XMonad.Layout.GridVariants
-- Then add something like this to your layouts:
@@ -39,12 +41,12 @@ import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-- for a 16:10 aspect ratio grid, or
--- > TallGrid 2 3 (2/3) (16/10) (5/100)
+-- > SplitGrid L 2 3 (2/3) (16/10) (5/100)
-- for a layout with a 2x3 master grid that uses 2/3 of the screen,
--- and a 16:10 aspect ratio slave grid. The last parameter is again
--- the percentage by which the split between master and slave area
--- changes in response to Expand/Shrink messages.
+-- and a 16:10 aspect ratio slave grid to its right. The last
+-- parameter is again the percentage by which the split between master
+-- and slave area changes in response to Expand/Shrink messages.
-- To be able to change the geometry of the master grid, add something
-- like this to your keybindings:
@@ -68,29 +70,35 @@ instance LayoutClass Grid a where
description _ = "Grid"
--- | TallGrid layout. Parameters are
+-- | SplitGrid layout. Parameters are
+-- - side where the master is
-- - number of master rows
-- - number of master columns
-- - portion of screen used for master grid
-- - x:y aspect ratio of slave windows
-- - increment for resize messages
-data TallGrid a = TallGrid !Int !Int !Rational !Rational !Rational
- deriving (Read, Show)
+data SplitGrid a = SplitGrid Orientation !Int !Int !Rational !Rational !Rational
+ deriving (Read, Show)
-instance LayoutClass TallGrid a where
+-- | Type to specify the side of the screen that holds
+-- the master area of a SplitGrid.
+data Orientation = T | B | L | R
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
- pureLayout (TallGrid mrows mcols mfrac saspect _) rect st = zip wins rects
+instance LayoutClass SplitGrid a where
+ pureLayout (SplitGrid o mrows mcols mfrac saspect _) rect st = zip wins rects
wins = W.integrate st
nwins = length wins
- rects = arrangeTallGrid rect nwins mrows mcols mfrac saspect
+ rects = arrangeSplitGrid rect o nwins mrows mcols mfrac saspect
pureMessage layout msg =
msum [ fmap (resizeMaster layout) (fromMessage msg)
, fmap (changeMasterGrid layout) (fromMessage msg) ]
- description _ = "TallGrid"
+ description _ = "SplitGrid"
-- |The geometry change message understood by the master grid
data ChangeMasterGeom
@@ -100,19 +108,25 @@ data ChangeMasterGeom
instance Message ChangeMasterGeom
-arrangeTallGrid :: Rectangle -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rational -> Rational -> [Rectangle]
-arrangeTallGrid rect@(Rectangle rx ry rw rh) nwins mrows mcols mfrac saspect
+arrangeSplitGrid :: Rectangle -> Orientation -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Rational -> Rational -> [Rectangle]
+arrangeSplitGrid rect@(Rectangle rx ry rw rh) o nwins mrows mcols mfrac saspect
| nwins <= mwins = arrangeMasterGrid rect nwins mcols
| mwins == 0 = arrangeAspectGrid rect nwins saspect
| otherwise = (arrangeMasterGrid mrect mwins mcols) ++
(arrangeAspectGrid srect swins saspect)
- mwins = mrows * mcols
- swins = nwins - mwins
- mrect = Rectangle rx ry rw mh
- srect = Rectangle rx (fromIntegral ry + fromIntegral mh) rw sh
- mh = ceiling (fromIntegral rh * mfrac)
- sh = rh - mh
+ mwins = mrows * mcols
+ swins = nwins - mwins
+ mrect = Rectangle mx my mw mh
+ srect = Rectangle sx sy sw sh
+ (mh, sh, mw, sw) = if o `elem` [T, B] then
+ (ceiling (fromIntegral rh * mfrac), rh - mh, rw, rw)
+ else
+ (rh, rh, ceiling (fromIntegral rw * mfrac), rw - mw)
+ mx = fromIntegral rx + if o == R then fromIntegral sw else 0
+ my = fromIntegral ry + if o == B then fromIntegral sh else 0
+ sx = fromIntegral rx + if o == L then fromIntegral mw else 0
+ sy = fromIntegral ry + if o == T then fromIntegral mh else 0
arrangeMasterGrid :: Rectangle -> Int -> Int -> [Rectangle]
arrangeMasterGrid rect nwins mcols = arrangeGrid rect nwins (min nwins mcols)
@@ -153,14 +167,48 @@ splitEvenly n parts = [ sz-off | (sz,off) <- zip sizes offsets]
sizes = [i*size | i <- [1..parts]]
offsets = (take (fromIntegral extra) [1..]) ++ [extra,extra..]
-resizeMaster :: TallGrid a -> Resize -> TallGrid a
-resizeMaster (TallGrid mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) Shrink =
- TallGrid mrows mcols (max 0 (mfrac - delta)) saspect delta
-resizeMaster (TallGrid mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) Expand =
- TallGrid mrows mcols (min 1 (mfrac + delta)) saspect delta
-changeMasterGrid :: TallGrid a -> ChangeMasterGeom -> TallGrid a
-changeMasterGrid (TallGrid mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) (IncMasterRows d) =
- TallGrid (max 0 (mrows + d)) mcols mfrac saspect delta
-changeMasterGrid (TallGrid mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) (IncMasterCols d) =
- TallGrid mrows (max 0 (mcols + d)) mfrac saspect delta
+resizeMaster :: SplitGrid a -> Resize -> SplitGrid a
+resizeMaster (SplitGrid o mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) Shrink =
+ SplitGrid o mrows mcols (max 0 (mfrac - delta)) saspect delta
+resizeMaster (SplitGrid o mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) Expand =
+ SplitGrid o mrows mcols (min 1 (mfrac + delta)) saspect delta
+changeMasterGrid :: SplitGrid a -> ChangeMasterGeom -> SplitGrid a
+changeMasterGrid (SplitGrid o mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) (IncMasterRows d) =
+ SplitGrid o (max 0 (mrows + d)) mcols mfrac saspect delta
+changeMasterGrid (SplitGrid o mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) (IncMasterCols d) =
+ SplitGrid o mrows (max 0 (mcols + d)) mfrac saspect delta
+-- | TallGrid layout. Parameters are
+-- - number of master rows
+-- - number of master columns
+-- - portion of screen used for master grid
+-- - x:y aspect ratio of slave windows
+-- - increment for resize messages
+-- This exists mostly because it was introduced in an earlier version.
+-- It's a fairly thin wrapper around "SplitGrid L".
+data TallGrid a = TallGrid !Int !Int !Rational !Rational !Rational
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+instance LayoutClass TallGrid a where
+ pureLayout (TallGrid mrows mcols mfrac saspect _) rect st = zip wins rects
+ where
+ wins = W.integrate st
+ nwins = length wins
+ rects = arrangeSplitGrid rect L nwins mrows mcols mfrac saspect
+ pureMessage layout msg =
+ msum [ fmap ((tallGridAdapter resizeMaster) layout) (fromMessage msg)
+ , fmap ((tallGridAdapter changeMasterGrid) layout) (fromMessage msg) ]
+ description _ = "TallGrid"
+tallGridAdapter :: (SplitGrid a -> b -> SplitGrid a) -> TallGrid a -> b -> TallGrid a
+tallGridAdapter f (TallGrid mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) msg =
+ TallGrid mrows' mcols' mfrac' saspect' delta'
+ where
+ SplitGrid _ mrows' mcols' mfrac' saspect' delta' =
+ f (SplitGrid L mrows mcols mfrac saspect delta) msg