path: root/XMonad/Actions
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authorClemens Fruhwirth <clemens@endorphin.org>2010-11-02 22:12:13 +0100
committerClemens Fruhwirth <clemens@endorphin.org>2010-11-02 22:12:13 +0100
commitf4f3ce9117167055503cc24c10d9e37f6416d0f8 (patch)
tree44276b5f39d029d27428aadb6f2ad48a1f3379e5 /XMonad/Actions
parente340dfa45668ac119ebddc0d9645fa801c6e8e85 (diff)
Substring search support for X.A.GridSelect. As keymaps get more complicated to support different styles, the gs_navigate element is fundamentially changed.
Ignore-this: 95610ac8eb781cd74f6c3ce9e36ec039 darcs-hash:20101102211213-ed0c4-283fe8b940c07c5bdb72aedbf681f8e450405cfc.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
index 434d1d1..3f3d4bc 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ module XMonad.Actions.GridSelect (
-- * Configuration
- NavigateMap,
@@ -46,7 +45,24 @@ module XMonad.Actions.GridSelect (
- colorRangeFromClassName
+ colorRangeFromClassName,
+ -- * Navigation Mode assembly
+ TwoD,
+ makeXEventhandler,
+ shadowWithKeymap,
+ -- * Built-in Navigation Mode
+ defaultNavigation,
+ substringSearch,
+ navNSearch,
+ -- * Navigation Components
+ setPos,
+ move,
+ select,
+ cancel,
+ transformSearchString
-- * Screenshots
-- $screenshots
@@ -119,35 +135,38 @@ import Data.Word (Word8)
-- $keybindings
--- Adding more keybindings for gridselect to listen to is similar:
+-- You can build you own navigation mode and submodes by combining the
+-- exported action ingredients and assembling them using 'makeXEventhandler' and 'shadowWithKeymap'.
--- At the top of your config:
+-- > myNavigation :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
+-- > myNavigation = makeXEventhandler $ shadowWithKeymap navKeyMap navDefaultHandler
+-- > where navKeyMap = M.fromList [
+-- > ((0,xK_Escape), cancel)
+-- > ,((0,xK_Return), select)
+-- > ,((0,xK_slash) , substringSearch myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_Left) , move (-1,0) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_h) , move (-1,0) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_Right) , move (1,0) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_l) , move (1,0) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_Down) , move (0,1) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_j) , move (0,1) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_Up) , move (0,-1) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_y) , move (-1,-1) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_i) , move (1,-1) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_n) , move (-1,1) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_m) , move (1,-1) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ,((0,xK_space) , setPos (0,0) >> myNavigation)
+-- > ]
+-- > -- The navigation handler ignores unknown key symbols
+-- > navDefaultHandler = const myNavigation
--- > {-# LANGAUGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
--- > import XMonad
--- > import qualified Data.Map as M
--- Then define @gsconfig3@ which may be used in exactly the same manner as @gsconfig1@:
+-- You can then define @gsconfig3@ which may be used in exactly the same manner as @gsconfig1@:
-- > gsconfig3 = defaultGSConfig
-- > { gs_cellheight = 30
-- > , gs_cellwidth = 100
--- > , gs_navigate = M.unions
--- > [reset
--- > ,nethackKeys
--- > ,gs_navigate -- get the default navigation bindings
--- > $ defaultGSConfig `asTypeOf` gsconfig3 -- needed to fix an ambiguous type variable
--- > ]
+-- > , gs_navigate = myNavigation
-- > }
--- > where addPair (a,b) (x,y) = (a+x,b+y)
--- > nethackKeys = M.map addPair $ M.fromList
--- > [((0,xK_y),(-1,-1))
--- > ,((0,xK_i),(1,-1))
--- > ,((0,xK_n),(-1,1))
--- > ,((0,xK_m),(1,1))
--- > ]
--- > -- jump back to the center with the spacebar, regardless of the current position.
--- > reset = M.singleton (0,xK_space) (const (0,0))
-- $screenshots
@@ -165,7 +184,7 @@ data GSConfig a = GSConfig {
gs_cellpadding :: Integer,
gs_colorizer :: a -> Bool -> X (String, String),
gs_font :: String,
- gs_navigate :: NavigateMap,
+ gs_navigate :: TwoD a (Maybe a),
gs_originFractX :: Double,
gs_originFractY :: Double
@@ -195,8 +214,6 @@ instance HasColorizer a where
defaultGSConfig :: HasColorizer a => GSConfig a
defaultGSConfig = buildDefaultGSConfig defaultColorizer
-type NavigateMap = M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (TwoDPosition -> TwoDPosition)
type TwoDPosition = (Integer, Integer)
type TwoDElementMap a = [(TwoDPosition,(String,a))]
@@ -318,39 +335,8 @@ updateElementsWithColorizer colorizer elementmap = do
(gs_cellpadding gsconfig)
mapM_ updateElement elementmap
-eventLoop :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
-eventLoop = do
- (keysym,string,event) <- liftX $ withDisplay $ \d -> liftIO $ allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
- maskEvent d (exposureMask .|. keyPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask) e
- ev <- getEvent e
- (ks,s) <- if ev_event_type ev == keyPress
- then lookupString $ asKeyEvent e
- else return (Nothing, "")
- return (ks,s,ev)
- handle (fromMaybe xK_VoidSymbol keysym,string) event
-handle :: (KeySym, t) -> Event -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
-handle (ks,_) (KeyEvent {ev_event_type = t, ev_state = m })
- | t == keyPress && ks == xK_Escape = return Nothing
- | t == keyPress && ks == xK_Return = do
- state <- get
- return $ fmap (snd . snd) $ findInElementMap (td_curpos state) (td_elementmap state)
- | t == keyPress = do
- m' <- liftX (cleanMask m)
- keymap <- gets (gs_navigate . td_gsconfig)
- maybe eventLoop diffAndRefresh . M.lookup (m',ks) $ keymap
- where diffAndRefresh diff = do
- state <- get
- let elmap = td_elementmap state
- oldPos = td_curpos state
- newPos = diff oldPos
- newSelectedEl = findInElementMap newPos elmap
- when (isJust newSelectedEl) $ do
- put state { td_curpos = newPos }
- updateElements (catMaybes [(findInElementMap oldPos elmap), newSelectedEl])
- eventLoop
-handle _ (ButtonEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_x = x, ev_y = y })
+stdHandle :: Event -> TwoD a (Maybe a) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
+stdHandle (ButtonEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_x = x, ev_y = y }) contEventloop
| t == buttonRelease = do
state <- get
let (TwoDState { td_paneX = px, td_paneY = py,
@@ -359,12 +345,141 @@ handle _ (ButtonEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_x = x, ev_y = y })
gridY = (fi y - (py - ch) `div` 2) `div` ch
case lookup (gridX,gridY) (td_elementmap state) of
Just (_,el) -> return (Just el)
- Nothing -> eventLoop
- | otherwise = eventLoop
+ Nothing -> contEventloop
+ | otherwise = contEventloop
+stdHandle (ExposeEvent { }) contEventloop = updateAllElements >> contEventloop
+stdHandle _ contEventloop = contEventloop
-handle _ (ExposeEvent { }) = updateAllElements >> eventLoop
+-- | Embeds a key handler into the X event handler that dispatches key
+-- events to the key handler, while non-key event go to the standard
+-- handler.
+makeXEventhandler :: ((KeySym, String, KeyMask) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
+makeXEventhandler keyhandler = fix $ \me -> join $ liftX $ withDisplay $ \d -> liftIO $ allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
+ maskEvent d (exposureMask .|. keyPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask) e
+ ev <- getEvent e
+ if ev_event_type ev == keyPress
+ then do
+ (ks,s) <- lookupString $ asKeyEvent e
+ return $ do
+ mask <- liftX $ cleanMask (ev_state ev)
+ keyhandler (fromMaybe xK_VoidSymbol ks, s, mask)
+ else
+ return $ stdHandle ev me
+-- | When the map contains (KeySym,KeyMask) tuple for the given event,
+-- the associated action in the map associated shadows the default key
+-- handler
+shadowWithKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) a -> ((KeySym, String, KeyMask) -> a) -> (KeySym, String, KeyMask) -> a
+shadowWithKeymap keymap dflt keyEvent@(ks,_,m') = fromMaybe (dflt keyEvent) (M.lookup (m',ks) keymap)
+-- Helper functions to use for key handler functions
+-- | Closes gridselect returning the element under the cursor
+select :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
+select = do
+ state <- get
+ return $ fmap (snd . snd) $ findInElementMap (td_curpos state) (td_elementmap state)
+-- | Closes gridselect returning no element.
+cancel :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
+cancel = return Nothing
+-- | Sets the absolute position of the cursor.
+setPos :: (Integer, Integer) -> TwoD a ()
+setPos newPos = do
+ state <- get
+ let elmap = td_elementmap state
+ newSelectedEl = findInElementMap newPos (td_elementmap state)
+ oldPos = td_curpos state
+ when (isJust newSelectedEl && newPos /= oldPos) $ do
+ put state { td_curpos = newPos }
+ updateElements (catMaybes [(findInElementMap oldPos elmap), newSelectedEl])
+-- | Moves the cursor by the offsets specified
+move :: (Integer, Integer) -> TwoD a ()
+move (dx,dy) = do
+ state <- get
+ let (x,y) = td_curpos state
+ newPos = (x+dx,y+dy)
+ setPos newPos
+-- | Apply a transformation function the current search string
+transformSearchString :: (String -> String) -> TwoD a ()
+transformSearchString f = do
+ state <- get
+ let oldSearchString = td_searchString state
+ newSearchString = f oldSearchString
+ when (newSearchString /= oldSearchString) $ do
+ -- FIXME: grayoutAllElements + updateAllElements paint some fields twice causing flickering
+ -- we would need a much smarter update strategy to fix that
+ when (length newSearchString > length oldSearchString) grayoutAllElements
+ -- FIXME curpos might end up outside new bounds
+ put state { td_searchString = newSearchString }
+ updateAllElements
+-- | By default gridselect used the defaultNavigation action, which
+-- binds left,right,up,down and vi-style h,l,j,k navigation. Return
+-- quits gridselect, returning the selected element, while Escape
+-- cancels the selection. Slash enters the substring search mode. In
+-- substring search mode, every string-associated keystroke is
+-- added to a search string, which narrows down the object
+-- selection. Substring search mode comes back to regular navigation
+-- via Return, while Escape cancels the search. If you want that
+-- navigation style, add 'defaultNavigation' as 'gs_navigate' to your
+-- 'GSConfig' object. This is done by 'buildDefaultGSConfig' automatically.
+defaultNavigation :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
+defaultNavigation = makeXEventhandler $ shadowWithKeymap navKeyMap navDefaultHandler
+ where navKeyMap = M.fromList [
+ ((0,xK_Escape), cancel)
+ ,((0,xK_Return), select)
+ ,((0,xK_slash) , substringSearch defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_Left) , move (-1,0) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_h) , move (-1,0) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_Right) , move (1,0) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_l) , move (1,0) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_Down) , move (0,1) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_j) , move (0,1) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_Up) , move (0,-1) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_k) , move (0,-1) >> defaultNavigation)
+ ]
+ -- The navigation handler ignores unknown key symbols, therefore we const
+ navDefaultHandler = const defaultNavigation
+-- | This navigation style combines navigation and search into one mode at the cost of losing vi style
+-- navigation. With this style, there is no substring search submode,
+-- but every typed character is added to the substring search.
+navNSearch :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
+navNSearch = makeXEventhandler $ shadowWithKeymap navNSearchKeyMap navNSearchDefaultHandler
+ where navNSearchKeyMap = M.fromList [
+ ((0,xK_Escape), cancel)
+ ,((0,xK_Return), select)
+ ,((0,xK_Left) , move (-1,0) >> navNSearch)
+ ,((0,xK_Right) , move (1,0) >> navNSearch)
+ ,((0,xK_Down) , move (0,1) >> navNSearch)
+ ,((0,xK_Up) , move (0,-1) >> navNSearch)
+ ,((0,xK_BackSpace), transformSearchString (\s -> if (s == "") then "" else init s) >> navNSearch)
+ ]
+ -- The navigation handler ignores unknown key symbols, therefore we const
+ navNSearchDefaultHandler (_,s,_) = do
+ transformSearchString (++ s)
+ navNSearch
+-- | Navigation submode used for substring search. It returns to the
+-- first argument navigation style when the user hits Return.
+substringSearch :: TwoD a (Maybe a) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
+substringSearch returnNavigation = fix $ \me ->
+ let searchKeyMap = M.fromList [
+ ((0,xK_Escape) , transformSearchString (const "") >> returnNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_Return) , returnNavigation)
+ ,((0,xK_BackSpace), transformSearchString (\s -> if (s == "") then "" else init s) >> me)
+ ]
+ searchDefaultHandler (_,s,_) = do
+ transformSearchString (++ s)
+ me
+ in makeXEventhandler $ shadowWithKeymap searchKeyMap searchDefaultHandler
-handle _ _ = eventLoop
-- FIXME probably move that into Utils?
-- Conversion scheme as in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space
@@ -464,7 +579,7 @@ gridselect gsconfig elements =
originPosY = floor $ ((gs_originFractY gsconfig) - (1/2)) * 2 * fromIntegral restrictY
coords = diamondRestrict restrictX restrictY originPosX originPosY
- evalTwoD (updateAllElements >> eventLoop) TwoDState { td_curpos = (head coords),
+ evalTwoD (updateAllElements >> (gs_navigate gsconfig)) TwoDState { td_curpos = (head coords),
td_availSlots = coords,
td_elements = elements,
td_gsconfig = gsconfig,
@@ -509,19 +624,7 @@ decorateName' w = do
-- | Builds a default gs config from a colorizer function.
buildDefaultGSConfig :: (a -> Bool -> X (String,String)) -> GSConfig a
-buildDefaultGSConfig col = GSConfig 50 130 10 col "xft:Sans-8" defaultGSNav (1/2) (1/2)
-defaultGSNav :: NavigateMap
-defaultGSNav = M.map (\(x,y) (a,b) -> (x+a,y+b)) $ M.fromList
- [((0,xK_Left) ,(-1,0))
- ,((0,xK_h) ,(-1,0))
- ,((0,xK_Right),(1,0))
- ,((0,xK_l) ,(1,0))
- ,((0,xK_Down) ,(0,1))
- ,((0,xK_j) ,(0,1))
- ,((0,xK_Up) ,(0,-1))
- ,((0,xK_k) ,(0,-1))
- ]
+buildDefaultGSConfig col = GSConfig 50 130 10 col "xft:Sans-8" defaultNavigation (1/2) (1/2)
borderColor :: String
borderColor = "white"