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authorl.mai <l.mai@web.de>2007-10-06 23:20:08 +0200
committerl.mai <l.mai@web.de>2007-10-06 23:20:08 +0200
commit403b58496eeb647aa9acb104e9ec56de11494325 (patch)
parent34dcdcd504107f39ad41769c351a4732ffd04f21 (diff)
update SwitchTrans for the new layout system
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/SwitchTrans.hs b/SwitchTrans.hs
index b377beb..3add0c5 100644
--- a/SwitchTrans.hs
+++ b/SwitchTrans.hs
@@ -23,13 +23,16 @@
-- will undo the current layout transformer, pass the message on to the base
-- layout, then reapply the transformer.
+-- Another potential problem is that functions can't be (de-)serialized so this
+-- layout will not preserve state across xmonad restarts.
-- Here's how you might use this in Config.hs:
-- > defaultLayouts =
-- > map (
--- > mkSwitch (M.singleton "full" (const $ noBorders full)) .
--- > mkSwitch (M.singleton "mirror" mirror)
--- > ) [ tiled ]
+-- > mkSwitch (M.singleton "full" (const $ Layout $ noBorders full)) .
+-- > mkSwitch (M.singleton "mirror" (Layout . Mirror))
+-- > ) [ Layout tiled ]
-- (The noBorders transformer is from "XMonadContrib.NoBorders".)
@@ -50,13 +53,14 @@
-- Rotating first then changing the size of the master area then rotating back
-- does not undo the master area changes.
--- The reason I use two stacked @SwitchTrans@ transformers instead of
--- @mkSwitch (M.fromList [("full", const $ noBorders full), ("mirror", mirror)])@
--- is that I use @mod-f@ to \"zoom in\" on interesting windows, no matter what other
--- layout transformers may be active. Having an extra fullscreen mode on top of
--- everything else means I can zoom in and out without implicitly undoing \"normal\"
--- layout transformers, like @mirror@. Remember, inside a @SwitchTrans@ there can
--- be at most one active layout transformer.
+-- The reason I use two stacked @SwitchTrans@ transformers instead of @mkSwitch
+-- (M.fromList [("full", const $ Layout $ noBorders Full), ("mirror", Layout .
+-- Mirror)])@ is that I use @mod-f@ to \"zoom in\" on interesting windows, no
+-- matter what other layout transformers may be active. Having an extra
+-- fullscreen mode on top of everything else means I can zoom in and out
+-- without implicitly undoing \"normal\" layout transformers, like @Mirror@.
+-- Remember, inside a @SwitchTrans@ there can be at most one active layout
+-- transformer.
module XMonadContrib.SwitchTrans (
@@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ instance Message Enable
data Disable = Disable String deriving (Eq, Typeable)
instance Message Disable
-data State a = State {
+data SwitchTrans a = SwitchTrans {
base :: Layout a,
currTag :: Maybe String,
currLayout :: Layout a,
@@ -90,12 +94,66 @@ data State a = State {
filters :: Map String (Layout a -> Layout a)
+instance Show (SwitchTrans a) where
+ show st = "SwitchTrans #<" ++ show (base st) ++ " " ++ show (currTag st) ++ " " ++ show (currLayout st) ++ "...>"
+instance Read (SwitchTrans a) where
+ readsPrec _ _ = []
+unLayout :: Layout a -> (forall l. (LayoutClass l a) => l a -> r) -> r
+unLayout (Layout l) k = k l
+instance LayoutClass SwitchTrans a where
+ description _ = "SwitchTrans"
+ doLayout st r s = currLayout st `unLayout` \l -> do
+ (x, _) <- doLayout l r s
+ return (x, Nothing) -- sorry Dave, I still can't let you do that
+ pureLayout st r s = currLayout st `unLayout` \l -> pureLayout l r s
+ handleMessage st m
+ | Just (Disable tag) <- fromMessage m
+ , M.member tag (filters st)
+ = provided (currTag st == Just tag) $ disable
+ | Just (Enable tag) <- fromMessage m
+ , Just alt <- M.lookup tag (filters st)
+ = provided (currTag st /= Just tag) $ enable tag alt
+ | Just (Toggle tag) <- fromMessage m
+ , Just alt <- M.lookup tag (filters st)
+ =
+ if (currTag st == Just tag) then
+ disable
+ else
+ enable tag alt
+ | otherwise = base st `unLayout` \b -> do
+ x <- handleMessage b m
+ case x of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just b' -> currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
+ handleMessage cl (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
+ let b'' = Layout b'
+ return . Just $ st{ base = b'', currLayout = currFilt st b'' }
+ where
+ enable tag alt = currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
+ handleMessage cl (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
+ return . Just $ st{
+ currTag = Just tag,
+ currFilt = alt,
+ currLayout = alt (base st) }
+ disable = currLayout st `unLayout` \cl -> do
+ handleMessage cl (SomeMessage ReleaseResources)
+ return . Just $ st{
+ currTag = Nothing,
+ currFilt = id,
+ currLayout = base st }
-- | Take a transformer table and a base layout, and return a
-- SwitchTrans layout.
mkSwitch :: Map String (Layout a -> Layout a) -> Layout a -> Layout a
-mkSwitch fs b = switched st
+mkSwitch fs b = Layout st
- st = State{
+ st = SwitchTrans{
base = b,
currTag = Nothing,
currLayout = b,
@@ -107,55 +165,3 @@ provided c x
| c = x
| otherwise = return Nothing
-switched :: State a -> Layout a
- state@State{
- base = b,
- currTag = ct,
- currLayout = cl,
- currFilt = cf,
- filters = fs
- } = Layout {doLayout = dl, modifyLayout = ml}
- where
- enable tag alt = do
- modifyLayout cl (SomeMessage UnDoLayout)
- return . Just . switched $ state{
- currTag = Just tag,
- currFilt = alt,
- currLayout = alt b }
- disable = do
- modifyLayout cl (SomeMessage UnDoLayout)
- return . Just . switched $ state{
- currTag = Nothing,
- currFilt = id,
- currLayout = b }
- dl r s = do
- (x, _) <- doLayout cl r s
- return (x, Nothing) -- sorry Dave, I can't let you do that
- ml m
- | Just (Disable tag) <- fromMessage m
- , M.member tag fs
- = provided (ct == Just tag) $ disable
- | Just (Enable tag) <- fromMessage m
- , Just alt <- M.lookup tag fs
- = provided (ct /= Just tag) $ enable tag alt
- | Just (Toggle tag) <- fromMessage m
- , Just alt <- M.lookup tag fs
- =
- if (ct == Just tag) then
- disable
- else
- enable tag alt
- | Just UnDoLayout <- fromMessage m
- = do
- modifyLayout cl m
- return Nothing
- | otherwise = do
- x <- modifyLayout b m
- case x of
- Nothing -> return Nothing
- Just b' -> do
- modifyLayout cl (SomeMessage UnDoLayout)
- return . Just $ switched state{
- base = b',
- currLayout = cf b' }