diff options
authorTomas Janousek <tomi@nomi.cz>2010-04-15 23:38:13 +0200
committerTomas Janousek <tomi@nomi.cz>2010-04-15 23:38:13 +0200
commitfc5a5104f69286a67eeaaf2371b3ca13c8cf3eb2 (patch)
parentdcb31e3c47c9dfefbfe8d926d980d87db5b8da0a (diff)
X.L.MouseResizableTile: configurable gaps (dragger size and position)
Ignore-this: 5803861bbfecbc8c946b817b98909647 (with the option of putting the draggers over window borders with no gaps at all) darcs-hash:20100415213813-c9ff5-a515b8a9679917cfb247683a4ca6b90cd6efbed6.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/MouseResizableTile.hs b/XMonad/Layout/MouseResizableTile.hs
index 56cc5da..98f3424 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/MouseResizableTile.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/MouseResizableTile.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ module XMonad.Layout.MouseResizableTile (
-- $usage
- MRTMessage (ShrinkSlave, ExpandSlave)
+ MRTMessage (ShrinkSlave, ExpandSlave),
+ DraggerType (..),
+ draggerType
) where
import XMonad hiding (tile, splitVertically, splitHorizontallyBy)
@@ -44,6 +46,11 @@ import Control.Applicative((<$>))
-- > myLayout = mouseResizableTileMirrored ||| etc..
-- > main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = myLayout }
+-- Additionally, some parameters may be tweaked (see the rest of this document
+-- for a list of them):
+-- > myLayout = mouseResizableTile { draggerType = BordersDragger } ||| etc..
-- For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see:
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook"
@@ -72,11 +79,26 @@ data DraggerInfo = MasterDragger Position Rational
type DraggerWithRect = (Rectangle, Glyph, DraggerInfo)
type DraggerWithWin = (Window, DraggerInfo)
+-- | Specifies the size of the clickable area between windows.
+data DraggerType = FixedDragger
+ { gapWidth :: Dimension -- ^ width of a gap between windows
+ , draggerWidth :: Dimension -- ^ width of the dragger itself
+ -- (will overlap windows if greater than gap)
+ }
+ | BordersDragger -- ^ no gaps, draggers overlap window borders
+ deriving (Show, Read)
+type DraggerGeometry = (Position, Dimension, Position, Dimension)
data MouseResizableTile a = MRT { nmaster :: Int,
masterFrac :: Rational,
leftFracs :: [Rational],
rightFracs :: [Rational],
draggers :: [DraggerWithWin],
+ draggerType :: DraggerType,
+ -- ^ Get/set dragger and gap dimensions.
+ -- Usage:
+ --
+ -- > mouseResizableTile { draggerType = ... }
focusPos :: Int,
numWindows :: Int,
isMirrored :: Bool
@@ -86,34 +108,32 @@ mrtFraction :: Rational
mrtFraction = 0.5
mrtDelta :: Rational
mrtDelta = 0.03
-mrtDraggerOffset :: Position
-mrtDraggerOffset = 3
-mrtDraggerSize :: Dimension
-mrtDraggerSize = 6
+mrtDraggerGaps :: DraggerType
+mrtDraggerGaps = FixedDragger 6 6
mouseResizableTile :: MouseResizableTile a
-mouseResizableTile = MRT 1 mrtFraction [] [] [] 0 0 False
+mouseResizableTile = MRT 1 mrtFraction [] [] [] mrtDraggerGaps 0 0 False
mouseResizableTileMirrored :: MouseResizableTile a
-mouseResizableTileMirrored= MRT 1 mrtFraction [] [] [] 0 0 True
+mouseResizableTileMirrored = MRT 1 mrtFraction [] [] [] mrtDraggerGaps 0 0 True
instance LayoutClass MouseResizableTile Window where
- doLayout state sr (W.Stack w l r) =
+ doLayout state sr (W.Stack w l r) = do
+ drg <- draggerGeometry $ draggerType state
let wins = reverse l ++ w : r
num = length wins
sr' = mirrorAdjust sr (mirrorRect sr)
(rects, preparedDraggers) = tile (nmaster state) (masterFrac state)
(leftFracs state ++ repeat mrtFraction)
- (rightFracs state ++ repeat mrtFraction) sr' num
+ (rightFracs state ++ repeat mrtFraction) sr' num drg
rects' = map (mirrorAdjust id mirrorRect . sanitizeRectangle sr') rects
- in do
- mapM_ deleteDragger $ draggers state
- (draggerWrs, newDraggers) <- unzip <$> mapM
- (createDragger sr . adjustForMirror (isMirrored state))
- preparedDraggers
- return (zip wins rects' ++ draggerWrs, Just $ state { draggers = newDraggers,
- focusPos = length l,
- numWindows = length wins })
+ mapM_ deleteDragger $ draggers state
+ (draggerWrs, newDraggers) <- unzip <$> mapM
+ (createDragger sr . adjustForMirror (isMirrored state))
+ preparedDraggers
+ return (draggerWrs ++ zip wins rects', Just $ state { draggers = newDraggers,
+ focusPos = length l,
+ numWindows = length wins })
mirrorAdjust a b = if (isMirrored state)
then b
@@ -146,6 +166,13 @@ instance LayoutClass MouseResizableTile Window where
description state = mirror "MouseResizableTile"
where mirror = if isMirrored state then ("Mirror " ++) else id
+draggerGeometry :: DraggerType -> X DraggerGeometry
+draggerGeometry (FixedDragger g d) =
+ return (fromIntegral $ g `div` 2, g, fromIntegral $ d `div` 2, d)
+draggerGeometry BordersDragger = do
+ w <- asks (borderWidth . config)
+ return (0, 0, fromIntegral w, 2*w)
adjustForMirror :: Bool -> DraggerWithRect -> DraggerWithRect
adjustForMirror False dragger = dragger
adjustForMirror True (draggerRect, draggerCursor, draggerInfo) =
@@ -192,24 +219,24 @@ sanitizeRectangle (Rectangle sx sy swh sht) (Rectangle x y wh ht) =
within :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> a
within low high a = max low $ min high a
-tile :: Int -> Rational -> [Rational] -> [Rational] -> Rectangle -> Int -> ([Rectangle], [DraggerWithRect])
-tile nmaster' masterFrac' leftFracs' rightFracs' sr num
- | num <= nmaster' = splitVertically (take (num - 1) leftFracs') sr True 0
- | nmaster' == 0 = splitVertically (take (num - 1) rightFracs') sr False 0
+tile :: Int -> Rational -> [Rational] -> [Rational] -> Rectangle -> Int -> DraggerGeometry -> ([Rectangle], [DraggerWithRect])
+tile nmaster' masterFrac' leftFracs' rightFracs' sr num drg
+ | num <= nmaster' = splitVertically (take (num - 1) leftFracs') sr True 0 drg
+ | nmaster' == 0 = splitVertically (take (num - 1) rightFracs') sr False 0 drg
| otherwise = (leftRects ++ rightRects, masterDragger : leftDraggers ++ rightDraggers)
- where ((sr1, sr2), masterDragger) = splitHorizontallyBy masterFrac' sr
- (leftRects, leftDraggers) = splitVertically (take (nmaster' - 1) leftFracs') sr1 True 0
- (rightRects, rightDraggers) = splitVertically (take (num - nmaster' - 1) rightFracs') sr2 False 0
+ where ((sr1, sr2), masterDragger) = splitHorizontallyBy masterFrac' sr drg
+ (leftRects, leftDraggers) = splitVertically (take (nmaster' - 1) leftFracs') sr1 True 0 drg
+ (rightRects, rightDraggers) = splitVertically (take (num - nmaster' - 1) rightFracs') sr2 False 0 drg
-splitVertically :: RealFrac r => [r] -> Rectangle -> Bool -> Int -> ([Rectangle], [DraggerWithRect])
-splitVertically [] r _ _ = ([r], [])
-splitVertically (f:fx) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) isLeft num =
- let nextRect = Rectangle sx sy sw $ smallh - div mrtDraggerSize 2
+splitVertically :: RealFrac r => [r] -> Rectangle -> Bool -> Int -> DraggerGeometry -> ([Rectangle], [DraggerWithRect])
+splitVertically [] r _ _ _ = ([r], [])
+splitVertically (f:fx) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) isLeft num drg@(drOff, drSz, drOff2, drSz2) =
+ let nextRect = Rectangle sx sy sw $ smallh - div drSz 2
(otherRects, otherDragger) = splitVertically fx
- (Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral smallh + mrtDraggerOffset)
- sw (sh - smallh - div mrtDraggerSize 2))
- isLeft (num + 1)
- draggerRect = Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral smallh - mrtDraggerOffset) sw mrtDraggerSize
+ (Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral smallh + drOff)
+ sw (sh - smallh - div drSz 2))
+ isLeft (num + 1) drg
+ draggerRect = Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral smallh - drOff2) sw drSz2
draggerInfo = if isLeft
then LeftSlaveDragger sy (fromIntegral sh) num
else RightSlaveDragger sy (fromIntegral sh) num
@@ -217,13 +244,14 @@ splitVertically (f:fx) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) isLeft num =
in (nextRect : otherRects, nextDragger : otherDragger)
where smallh = floor $ fromIntegral sh * f
-splitHorizontallyBy :: RealFrac r => r -> Rectangle -> ((Rectangle, Rectangle), DraggerWithRect)
-splitHorizontallyBy f (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = ((leftHalf, rightHalf), (draggerRect, xC_sb_h_double_arrow, draggerInfo))
+splitHorizontallyBy :: RealFrac r => r -> Rectangle -> DraggerGeometry -> ((Rectangle, Rectangle), DraggerWithRect)
+splitHorizontallyBy f (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) (drOff, drSz, drOff2, drSz2) =
+ ((leftHalf, rightHalf), (draggerRect, xC_sb_h_double_arrow, draggerInfo))
where leftw = floor $ fromIntegral sw * f
- leftHalf = Rectangle sx sy (leftw - mrtDraggerSize `div` 2) sh
- rightHalf = Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral leftw + mrtDraggerOffset) sy
- (sw - fromIntegral leftw - mrtDraggerSize `div` 2) sh
- draggerRect = Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral leftw - mrtDraggerOffset) sy mrtDraggerSize sh
+ leftHalf = Rectangle sx sy (leftw - drSz `div` 2) sh
+ rightHalf = Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral leftw + drOff) sy
+ (sw - fromIntegral leftw - drSz `div` 2) sh
+ draggerRect = Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral leftw - drOff2) sy drSz2 sh
draggerInfo = MasterDragger sx (fromIntegral sw)
createDragger :: Rectangle -> DraggerWithRect -> X ((Window, Rectangle), DraggerWithWin)