diff options
authorAndrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>2007-08-04 20:59:14 +0200
committerAndrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>2007-08-04 20:59:14 +0200
commit1c194b2c70862c36a163748726dcab802a71a012 (patch)
parent96182aac12845d4445fa0248df5c9f480ea921f6 (diff)
XPrompt.hs: read history lazily
Instead of forcing the reading of all the history file we read it lazily. darcs-hash:20070804185914-32816-ff8f258a66c610d837e4fa01695baf6f52a17ada.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/XPrompt.hs b/XPrompt.hs
index 5d1a867..c334f67 100644
--- a/XPrompt.hs
+++ b/XPrompt.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.IO
-import System.Posix.Files (fileExist)
+import System.Posix.Files
-- $usage
@@ -131,13 +131,17 @@ mkXPrompt t conf compl action = do
gc <- liftIO $ createGC d w
liftIO $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False
fontS <- liftIO $ loadQueryFont d (font conf)
- h <- liftIO $ readHistory
- let st = initState d rw w s compl gc fontS (XPT t) h conf
+ (hist,h) <- liftIO $ readHistory
+ let st = initState d rw w s compl gc fontS (XPT t) hist conf
st' <- liftIO $ execStateT runXP st
liftIO $ freeGC d gc
liftIO $ freeFont d fontS
- when (command st' /= "") $ action (command st')
+ liftIO $ hClose h
+ when (command st' /= "") $ do
+ let htw = take (historySize conf) (history st')
+ liftIO $ writeHistory h htw
+ action (command st')
runXP :: XP ()
runXP = do
@@ -219,7 +223,6 @@ keyPressHandle _ (ks,_)
-- Return: exit
| ks == xK_Return = do
- writeHistory
return ()
-- backspace
| ks == xK_BackSpace = do
@@ -528,7 +531,7 @@ data History =
historyPush :: XP ()
historyPush = do
c <- gets command
- when (c /= []) $ modify (\s -> s { history = H (showXPrompt (xptype s)) c : history s })
+ when (c /= []) $ modify (\s -> s { history = nub $ H (showXPrompt (xptype s)) c : history s })
getHistory :: XP [String]
getHistory = do
@@ -536,38 +539,26 @@ getHistory = do
pt <- gets xptype
return $ map command_history . filter (\h -> prompt h == showXPrompt pt) $ hist
-readHistory :: IO [History]
+readHistory :: IO ([History],Handle)
readHistory = do
home <- getEnv "HOME"
let path = home ++ "/.xmonad_history"
f <- fileExist path
- -- from http://users.aber.ac.uk/afc/stricthaskell.html#semiclosed
- let hGetContentsStrict h = do
- b <- hIsEOF h
- if b then return [] else
- do c <- hGetChar h
- r <- hGetContentsStrict h
- return (c:r)
- do_read = do ha <- openFile path ReadMode
- hSetBuffering ha NoBuffering
- s <- hGetContentsStrict ha
- hClose ha
- return s
- if f then do str <- catch (do_read) (\_ -> do putStrLn "error in reading"; return [])
+ if f then do h <- openFile path ReadMode
+ str <- hGetContents h
case (reads str) of
- [(hist,_)] -> return hist
- [] -> return []
- _ -> return []
- else return []
-writeHistory :: XP ()
-writeHistory = do
- h <- gets history
- c <- gets config
- home <- io $ getEnv "HOME"
+ [(hist,_)] -> return (hist,h)
+ [] -> return ([],h)
+ _ -> return ([],h)
+ else do touchFile path
+ h <- openFile path ReadMode
+ return ([],h)
+writeHistory :: Handle -> [History] -> IO ()
+writeHistory h hist = do
+ home <- getEnv "HOME"
let path = home ++ "/.xmonad_history"
- htw = take (historySize c) . nub $ h
- io $ catch (writeFile path (show htw)) (\_ -> do putStrLn "error in writing"; return ())
+ catch (writeFile path (show hist)) (\_ -> do putStrLn "error in writing"; return ())
-- More general X Stuff