diff options
authorBraden Shepherdson <Braden.Shepherdson@gmail.com>2008-05-18 00:29:16 +0200
committerBraden Shepherdson <Braden.Shepherdson@gmail.com>2008-05-18 00:29:16 +0200
commit1254b083132d9af4f83e66476cb01e1d5ffbb6cd (patch)
parent93871fdcbe12fcbca40efac9451b62365f4830b1 (diff)
Added XMonad.Config.PlainConfig: proof-of-concept GHC-less plain text configuration file parser
An example of the config file format can be found in the Haddock. Notably missing features are docks and more layouts than just the standard three. darcs-hash:20080517222916-d53a8-97568d8332caf65f99ffe65bf8803afccf6aae92.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Config/PlainConfig.hs b/XMonad/Config/PlainConfig.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc0f178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XMonad/Config/PlainConfig.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+ FlexibleInstances,
+ FlexibleContexts,
+ MultiParamTypeClasses,
+ ExistentialQuantification
+ #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonad.Config.PlainConfig
+-- Copyright : Braden Shepherdson <Braden.Shepherdson@gmail.com>
+-- License : BSD3
+-- Maintainer : Braden Shepherdson <Braden.Shepherdson@gmail.com>
+-- Proof-of-concept (but usable) plain-text configuration file
+-- parser, for use instead of xmonad.hs. Does not require recompilation,
+-- allowing xmonad to be free of the GHC dependency.
+module XMonad.Config.PlainConfig
+ (
+ -- * Introduction
+ -- $usage
+ -- * Supported Layouts
+ -- $layouts
+ -- * Support Key Bindings
+ -- $keys
+ -- * Other Notes
+ -- $notes
+ -- * Example Config File
+ -- $example
+ plainConfig ,readConfig, checkConfig
+ )
+import XMonad
+import System.Exit
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
+import Data.Char (isSpace)
+--import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Error
+import Control.Monad.Identity
+import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
+import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
+import System.IO
+import Control.Exception (bracket)
+import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (mkKeymap)
+-- $usage
+-- The @xmonad.hs@ file is very minimal when used with PlainConfig.
+-- It typically contains only the following:
+-- > module Main where
+-- > import XMonad
+-- > import XMonad.Config.PlainConfig (plainConfig)
+-- > main = plainConfig
+-- The 'plainConfig' function parses @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.conf@,
+-- the format of which is described below.
+-- $layouts
+-- Only 'Tall', 'Wide' and 'Full' are supported at present.
+-- $keys
+-- Key bindings are specified as a pair of an arbitrary EZConfig and
+-- one of the following:
+-- @ Name Haskell equivalent Default binding(s)@
+-- * @spawn \<cmd\> spawn \"\<cmd\>\" none@
+-- * @kill kill M-S-c@
+-- * @nextLayout sendMessage NextLayout M-\<Space\>@
+-- * @refresh refresh M-S-\<Space\>@
+-- * @focusDown windows W.focusDown M-\<Tab\>, M-j@
+-- * @focusUp windows W.focusUp M-k@
+-- * @focusMaster windows W.focusMaster M-m@
+-- * @swapDown windows W.swapDown M-S-j@
+-- * @swapUp windows W.swapUp M-S-k@
+-- * @swapMaster windows W.swapMaster M-\<Return\>@
+-- * @shrink sendMessage Shrink M-h@
+-- * @expand sendMessage Expand M-l@
+-- * @sink withFocused $ windows . W.sink M-t@
+-- * @incMaster sendMessage (IncMasterN 1) M-,@
+-- * @decMaster sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)) M-.@
+-- * @quit io $ exitWith ExitSuccess M-S-q@
+-- * @restart broadcastMessageReleaseResources >> restart \"xmonad\" True M-q@
+-- $notes
+-- Submaps are allowed.
+-- These settings override the defaults. Changes made here will be used over
+-- the default bindings for those keys.
+-- $example
+-- An example @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.conf@ file follows:
+-- @modMask = 3@
+-- @numlockMask = 2@
+-- @borderWidth = 1@
+-- @normalBorderColor = #dddddd@
+-- @focusedBorderColor = #00ff00@
+-- @terminal=urxvt@
+-- @workspaces=[\"1: IRC\",\"2: Web\", \"3\", \"4\", \"5\", \"6\", \"7\", \"8\", \"9\"]@
+-- @focusFollowsMouse=True@
+-- @layouts=[\"Tall\",\"Full\",\"Wide\"]@
+-- @key=(\"M-x t\", \"spawn xmessage Test\")@
+-- @manageHook=(ClassName \"MPlayer\" , \"float\" )@
+-- @manageHook=(ClassName \"Gimp\" , \"float\" )@
+-- @manageHook=(Resource \"desktop_window\", \"ignore\" )@
+-- @manageHook=(Resource \"kdesktop\" , \"ignore\" )@
+-- @manageHook=(Resource \"gnome-panel\" , \"ignore\" )@
+------ Several functions for parsing the key-value file. -------
+parseKVBy :: Char -> ReadP (String,String)
+parseKVBy sep = do
+ skipSpaces
+ k <- munch1 (\x -> x /= ' ' && x /= sep)
+ skipSpaces
+ char kvSep
+ skipSpaces
+ v <- munch1 (\x -> x /= ' ') --or EOS
+ return (k,v)
+parseKVVBy :: Char -> ReadP (String,String)
+parseKVVBy sep = do
+ skipSpaces
+ k <- munch1 (\x -> x /= ' ' && x /= sep)
+ skipSpaces
+ char kvSep
+ skipSpaces
+ v <- munch1 (const True) -- until EOS
+ return (k,v)
+kvSep :: Char
+kvSep = '='
+parseKV, parseKVV :: ReadP (String,String)
+parseKV = parseKVBy kvSep
+parseKVV = parseKVVBy kvSep
+readKV :: String -> Integer -> RC (String,String)
+readKV s ln = case readP_to_S parseKV s of
+ [((k,v),"")] -> return (k,v) --single, correct parse
+ [] -> throwError [(ln,"No parse")]
+ _ -> do
+ case readP_to_S parseKVV s of
+ [((k,v),"")] -> return (k,v) --single, correct parse
+ [] -> throwError [(ln,"No parse")]
+ xs -> throwError [(ln,"Ambiguous parse: "
+ ++ show xs)]
+isComment :: String -> Bool
+isComment = not . null . readP_to_S parseComment
+ where parseComment = skipSpaces >> char '#' >> return ()
+ -- null means failed parse, so _not_ a comment.
+isBlank :: String -> Bool
+isBlank = null . filter (not . isSpace)
+type RC = ErrorT [(Integer,String)] Identity
+instance Error [(Integer,String)] where
+ noMsg = [(-1, "Unknown error.")]
+ strMsg s = [(-1, s)]
+parseFile :: [String] -> RC (XConfig Layout)
+parseFile ss = parseLines baseConfig theLines
+ where theLines = filter (not . liftM2 (||) isComment isBlank . snd)
+ $ zip [1..] ss
+parseLines :: XConfig Layout -> [(Integer,String)] -> RC (XConfig Layout)
+parseLines = foldM parse
+parse :: XConfig Layout -> (Integer, String) -> RC (XConfig Layout)
+parse xc (ln,s) = do
+ (k,v) <- readKV s ln
+ case M.lookup k commands of
+ Nothing -> throwError [(ln,"Unknown command: "++k)]
+ Just f -> f v ln xc
+-- Now the semantic parts, that convert from the relevant --
+-- key-value entries to values in an XConfig --
+type Command = String -> Integer -> XConfig Layout -> RC (XConfig Layout)
+commands :: M.Map String Command
+commands = M.fromList $
+ [("modMask" , cmd_modMask )
+ ,("numlockMask" , cmd_numlockMask )
+ ,("normalBorderColor" , cmd_normalBorderColor )
+ ,("focusedBorderColor" , cmd_focusedBorderColor)
+ ,("terminal" , cmd_terminal )
+ ,("workspaces" , cmd_workspaces )
+ ,("focusFollowsMouse" , cmd_focusFollowsMouse )
+ ,("layouts" , cmd_layouts )
+ ,("key" , cmd_key )
+ ,("manageHook" , cmd_manageHook )
+ ,("borderWidth" , cmd_borderWidth )
+ ]
+-- | Behind-the-scenes helper for both 'cmd_modMask' and 'cmd_numlockMask'.
+genericModKey :: (KeyMask -> XConfig Layout) -> Command
+genericModKey f s ln _ = do
+ x <- rcRead s ln :: RC Integer
+ case lookup x (zip [1..] [mod1Mask,mod2Mask,mod3Mask,mod4Mask,mod5Mask]) of
+ Just y -> return $ f y
+ Nothing -> throwError [(ln,"Invalid mod key number: "++ show x)]
+-- | Reads the mod key modifier number.
+cmd_modMask :: Command
+cmd_modMask s ln xc = genericModKey (\k -> xc{modMask = k}) s ln xc
+-- | Reads the numlock key modifier number.
+cmd_numlockMask :: Command
+cmd_numlockMask s ln xc = genericModKey (\k -> xc{numlockMask = k}) s ln xc
+-- | Reads the border width.
+cmd_borderWidth :: Command
+cmd_borderWidth s ln xc = do
+ w <- rcRead s ln
+ return $ xc { borderWidth = w }
+-- | Reads the colors but just keeps them as RRGGBB Strings.
+cmd_normalBorderColor, cmd_focusedBorderColor :: Command
+cmd_normalBorderColor s _ xc = return $ xc{ normalBorderColor = s }
+cmd_focusedBorderColor s _ xc = return $ xc{ focusedBorderColor = s }
+-- | Reads the terminal. It is just a String, no parsing.
+cmd_terminal :: Command
+cmd_terminal s _ xc = return $ xc{ terminal = s }
+-- | Reads the workspace tag list. This is given as a Haskell [String].
+cmd_workspaces :: Command
+cmd_workspaces s ln xc = rcRead s ln >>= \x -> return xc{ workspaces = x }
+-- | Reads the focusFollowsMouse, as a Haskell Bool.
+cmd_focusFollowsMouse :: Command
+cmd_focusFollowsMouse s ln xc = rcRead s ln >>=
+ \x -> return xc{focusFollowsMouse = x}
+-- | The list known layouts, mapped by name.
+-- An easy location for improvement is to add more contrib layouts here.
+layouts :: M.Map String (Layout Window)
+layouts = M.fromList
+ [("Tall", Layout (Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)))
+ ,("Wide", Layout (Mirror (Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2))))
+ ,("Full", Layout Full)
+ ]
+-- | Expects a [String], the strings being layout names. Quotes required.
+-- Draws from the `layouts' list above.
+cmd_layouts :: Command
+cmd_layouts s ln xc = do
+ xs <- rcRead s ln -- read the list of strings
+ let ls = map (id &&& (flip M.lookup) layouts) xs
+ when (null ls) $ throwError [(ln,"Empty layout list")]
+ case filter (not . isJust . snd) ls of
+ [] -> return $ xc{ layoutHook = foldr1
+ (\(Layout l) (Layout r) ->
+ Layout (l ||| r)) (map (fromJust . snd) ls)
+ }
+ ys -> throwError $ map (\(x,_) -> (ln, "Unknown layout: "++ x)) ys
+-- | A Map from names to key binding actions.
+key_actions :: M.Map String (X ())
+key_actions = M.fromList
+ [("kill" , kill )
+ ,("nextLayout" , sendMessage NextLayout )
+ --,("prevLayout" , sendMessage PrevLayout )
+ --,("resetLayout" , setLayout $ XMonad.layoutHook conf)
+ ,("refresh" , refresh )
+ ,("focusDown" , windows W.focusDown )
+ ,("focusUp" , windows W.focusUp )
+ ,("focusMaster" , windows W.focusMaster )
+ ,("swapMaster" , windows W.swapMaster )
+ ,("swapDown" , windows W.swapDown )
+ ,("swapUp" , windows W.swapUp )
+ ,("shrink" , sendMessage Shrink )
+ ,("expand" , sendMessage Expand )
+ ,("sink" , withFocused $ windows . W.sink)
+ ,("incMaster" , sendMessage (IncMasterN 1))
+ ,("decMaster" , sendMessage (IncMasterN (-1)))
+ ,("quit" , io $ exitWith ExitSuccess)
+ ,("restart" , broadcastMessage ReleaseResources
+ >> restart "xmonad" True)
+ ]
+-- | Expects keys as described in the preamble, as
+-- (\"EZConfig key name\", \"action name\"),
+-- eg. (\"M-S-t\", \"spawn thunderbird\")
+-- One key per "key=" line.
+cmd_key :: Command
+cmd_key s ln xc = do
+ (k,v) <- rcRead s ln
+ if "spawn " `isPrefixOf` v
+ then return $ xc {
+ keys = \c -> M.union (mkKeymap c
+ [(k, spawn (drop 6 v))]
+ ) ((keys xc) c)
+ }
+ else do
+ case M.lookup v key_actions of
+ Nothing -> throwError [(ln, "Unknown key action \"" ++ v ++ "\"")]
+ Just ac -> return $
+ xc { keys = \c -> M.union (mkKeymap c [(k, ac)])
+ ((keys xc) c)
+ }
+-- | Map of names to actions for 'ManageHook's.
+manageHook_actions :: M.Map String ManageHook
+manageHook_actions = M.fromList
+ [("float" , doFloat )
+ ,("ignore" , doIgnore )
+ ]
+-- | Parses 'ManageHook's in the form given in the preamble.
+-- eg. (ClassName \"MPlayer\", \"float\")
+cmd_manageHook :: Command
+cmd_manageHook s ln xc = do
+ (k,v) <- rcRead s ln
+ let q = parseQuery k
+ if "toWorkspace " `isPrefixOf` v
+ then return $ xc { manageHook = manageHook xc <+>
+ (q --> doShift (drop 12 v))
+ }
+ else case M.lookup v manageHook_actions of
+ Nothing -> throwError [(ln, "Unknown ManageHook action \""
+ ++ v ++ "\"")]
+ Just ac -> return $ xc { manageHook = manageHook xc <+> (q --> ac) }
+-- | Core of the ManageHook expression parser.
+-- Taken from Roman Cheplyaka's WindowProperties
+parseQuery :: Property -> Query Bool
+parseQuery (Title s) = title =? s
+parseQuery (ClassName s) = className =? s
+parseQuery (Resource s) = resource =? s
+parseQuery (And p q) = parseQuery p <&&> parseQuery q
+parseQuery (Or p q) = parseQuery p <&&> parseQuery q
+parseQuery (Not p) = not `fmap` parseQuery p
+parseQuery (Const b) = return b
+-- | Property constructors are quite self-explaining.
+-- Taken from Roman Cheplyaka's WindowProperties
+data Property = Title String
+ | ClassName String
+ | Resource String
+ | And Property Property
+ | Or Property Property
+ | Not Property
+ | Const Bool
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+-- | A wrapping of the read function into the RC monad.
+rcRead :: (Read a) => String -> Integer -> RC a
+rcRead s ln = case reads s of
+ [(x,"")] -> return x
+ _ -> throwError [(ln, "Failed to parse value")]
+-- | The standard Config.hs 'defaultConfig', with the layout wrapped.
+baseConfig :: XConfig Layout
+baseConfig = defaultConfig{ layoutHook = Layout (layoutHook defaultConfig) }
+-- | Core function that attempts to parse @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.conf@
+readConfig :: IO (Maybe (XConfig Layout))
+readConfig = do
+ cs <- bracket (openFile "/home/braden/.xmonad/xmonad.conf" ReadMode)
+ (\h -> hClose h) -- vv force the lazy IO
+ (\h -> (lines `fmap` hGetContents h) >>= \ss ->
+ length ss `seq` return ss)
+ let xce = runIdentity $ runErrorT $ parseFile cs
+ case xce of
+ Left es -> mapM_ (\(ln,e) ->
+ putStrLn $ "readConfig error: line "++show ln++
+ ": "++ e) es
+ >> return Nothing
+ Right xc -> return $ Just xc
+-- | Attempts to run readConfig, and checks if it failed.
+checkConfig :: IO Bool
+checkConfig = isJust `fmap` readConfig
+{- REMOVED: It was for debugging, and causes an 'orphaned instances'
+ warning to boot.
+-- | Reads in the config, and then prints the resulting XConfig
+dumpConfig :: IO ()
+dumpConfig = readConfig >>= print
+instance Show (XConfig Layout) where
+ show x = "XConfig { "
+ ++ "normalBorderColor = "++ normalBorderColor x ++", "
+ ++ "focusedBorderColor = "++ focusedBorderColor x++", "
+ ++ "terminal = "++ terminal x ++", "
+ ++ "workspaces = "++ show (workspaces x) ++", "
+ ++ "numlockMask = "++ show (numlockMask x) ++", "
+ ++ "modMask = "++ show (modMask x) ++", "
+ ++ "borderWidth = "++ show (borderWidth x) ++", "
+ ++ "focusFollowsMouse = "++ show (focusFollowsMouse x) ++", "
+ ++ "layouts = "++ show (layoutHook x) ++" }"
+-- | Handles the unwrapping of the Layout. Intended for use as
+-- @main = plainConfig@
+plainConfig :: IO ()
+plainConfig = do
+ conf <- readConfig
+ case conf of
+ (Just xc@XConfig{layoutHook= (Layout l)}) ->
+ xmonad (xc{ layoutHook = l })
+ Nothing ->
+ spawn $ "xmessage Failed to read xmonad.conf. See xmonad.errors."
diff --git a/xmonad-contrib.cabal b/xmonad-contrib.cabal
index 0a1ba79..fa815d4 100644
--- a/xmonad-contrib.cabal
+++ b/xmonad-contrib.cabal
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ library
+ XMonad.Config.PlainConfig