program test001; { This program tests the function glext_ExtensionSupported from unit glext. } uses SysUtils, SDL in '../src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/sdl.pas', moduleloader in '../src/lib/JEDI-SDL/SDL/Pas/moduleloader.pas', gl in '../src/lib/JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/gl.pas', glext in '../src/lib/JEDI-SDL/OpenGL/Pas/glext.pas'; const s1: pchar = ''; s2: pchar = 'ext'; s3: pchar = ' ext'; s4: pchar = ' ext '; s5: pchar = 'kkshf kjsfh ext'; s6: pchar = 'fakh sajhf ext jskdhf'; s7: pchar = 'ext jshf'; s8: pchar = 'sdkjfh ksjhext sjdha'; s9: pchar = 'sdkjfh ksjh extsjdha'; s10: pchar = 'sdkjfh ksjhextsjdha'; s11: pchar = 'sd kjf jdha'; e1: pchar = ''; e2: pchar = 'ext'; e3: pchar = 'GL_ARB_window_pos'; SCREEN_WIDTH = 640; SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480; SCREEN_BPP = 16; var surface: PSDL_Surface; videoFlags: integer; testFailed: boolean; procedure treatTestFailure(testNumber: integer, var testFailed: boolean); begin writeln; write ('test001, ', testNumber, ': failed'); testFailed := true; end; begin write ('test001: Start ... '); testFailed := false; // initialize SDL and OpenGL for the use of glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) // within glext_ExtensionSupported. SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO); // the flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode videoFlags := SDL_OPENGL; // get a SDL surface surface := SDL_SetVideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP, videoFlags); // Initialization finished if glext_ExtensionSupported(e1, s1) then treatTestFailure( 1, testFailed); if glext_ExtensionSupported(e1, s2) then treatTestFailure( 2, testFailed); if glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s1) then treatTestFailure( 3, testFailed); if not glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s2) then treatTestFailure( 4, testFailed); if not glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s3) then treatTestFailure( 5, testFailed); if not glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s4) then treatTestFailure( 6, testFailed); if not glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s5) then treatTestFailure( 7, testFailed); if not glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s6) then treatTestFailure( 8, testFailed); if not glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s7) then treatTestFailure( 9, testFailed); if glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s8) then treatTestFailure(10, testFailed); if glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s9) then treatTestFailure(11, testFailed); if glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s10) then treatTestFailure(12, testFailed); if glext_ExtensionSupported(e2, s11) then treatTestFailure(13, testFailed); if not glext_ExtensionSupported(e3, s1) then treatTestFailure(14, testFailed); if testFailed then begin writeln; writeln ('test001: End'); end else writeln ('End'); end.