program TestSignAlgorithm; uses sysutils; const a1 = 2; a2 = 1; a3 = 0; a4 = -1; a5 = -2; var index, number: longint; begin writeln; writeln ('This tests the arithmetic procedure used in libavutil and libavcodec.'); writeln ('positive numbers should give 1, negative numbers -1.'); writeln ('-17: ', not((-17 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln ('-16: ', not((-16 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln ('-15: ', not((-15 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' -3: ', not(( -3 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' -2: ', not(( -2 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' -1: ', not(( -1 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' 0: ', not(( 0 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' 1: ', not(( 1 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' 2: ', not(( 2 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' 3: ', not(( 3 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (' 8: ', not(( 8 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln ('MaxInt: ', MaxInt:12, ' ', IntToHex(MaxInt,8), ' ', not((MaxInt shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln ('MaxLongint: ', MaxLongint:12, ' ', IntToHex(MaxLongint,8), ' ', not((MaxLongint shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln ('MinInt: ', -MaxInt - 1:12, ' ', IntToHex(-MaxInt - 1,8), ' ', not(((-MaxInt - 1) shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln ('MinLongInt: ', -MaxLongint - 1:12, ' ', IntToHex(-MaxLongint - 1,8), ' ', not(((-MaxLongint - 1) shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (a1, ' ', IntToHex(a1,8) , ' ', not((a1 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (a2, ' ', IntToHex(a2,8) , ' ', not((a2 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (a3, ' ', IntToHex(a3,8) , ' ', not((a3 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (a4, ' ', IntToHex(a4,8) , ' ', not((a4 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln (a5, ' ', IntToHex(a5,8) , ' ', not((a5 shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); writeln; writeln ('Hit RETURN for more positive numbers. The last one overflows and becomes negative.'); readln; number := 1; for index := 1 to 32 do begin writeln (index:2, ': ', number:11, ' ', IntToHex(number shr 30 ,8):10, ' ', not((number shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); number := number * 2; end; writeln; writeln ('Hit RETURN for more positive numbers.'); readln; number := -1; for index := 1 to 32 do begin writeln (index:2, ': ', number:11, ' ', IntToHex(number shr 30 ,8):10, ' ', not((number shr 30) and $00000002) + 2); number := number * 2; end; end.