Program FFmpeg_Test6; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} (** * Test of function TFFmpegDecodeStream.Open in media/UAudioDecoder_FFmpeg.pas * after configure for selecting the installed FFmpeg lib compile with: * * fpc -Fi../src -Fu../src/base -Fu../src/lib/FFmpeg-0.... FFmpeg_Test6.pas *) uses avcodec, avformat; const Filename: PAnsiChar = 'menuswoosh.mp3'; var fFormatCtx: PAVFormatContext; TestFrame: TAVPacket; begin av_register_all; if (av_open_input_file(fFormatCtx, Filename, nil, 0, nil) <> 0) then writeln('av_open_input_file failed: File not found: ', Filename); if (av_read_frame(fFormatCtx, TestFrame) < 0) then writeln('av_read_frame failed'); dump_format(fFormatCtx, 0, argv[1], 0); if (fFormatCtx <> nil) then begin av_close_input_file(fFormatCtx); fFormatCtx := nil; end; end.