{*****************************************************************************} { } { Tnt Delphi Unicode Controls } { http://www.tntware.com/delphicontrols/unicode/ } { Version: 2.3.0 } { } { Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Troy Wolbrink (troy.wolbrink@tntware.com) } { } {*****************************************************************************} unit TntWideStrUtils; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$INCLUDE TntCompilers.inc} interface { Wide string manipulation functions } {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrAlloc(Size: Cardinal): PWideChar; function WStrBufSize(const Str: PWideChar): Cardinal; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WStrMove(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar; Count: Cardinal): PWideChar; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrNew(const Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; procedure WStrDispose(Str: PWideChar); {$ENDIF} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrLen(Str: PWideChar): Cardinal; function WStrEnd(Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WStrCat(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrCopy(Dest, Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; function WStrLCopy(Dest, Source: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PWideChar; function WStrPCopy(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: WideString): PWideChar; function WStrPLCopy(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: WideString; MaxLen: Cardinal): PWideChar; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WStrScan(const Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; // WStrComp and WStrPos were introduced as broken in Delphi 2006, but fixed in Delphi 2006 Update 2 function WStrComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar): Integer; function WStrPos(Str, SubStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; {$ENDIF} function Tnt_WStrComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar): Integer; deprecated; function Tnt_WStrPos(Str, SubStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; deprecated; { ------------ introduced --------------- } function WStrECopy(Dest, Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; function WStrLComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; function WStrLIComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; function WStrIComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar): Integer; function WStrLower(Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; function WStrUpper(Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; function WStrRScan(const Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; function WStrLCat(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PWideChar; function WStrPas(const Str: PWideChar): WideString; { SysUtils.pas } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WideLastChar(const S: WideString): PWideChar; function WideQuotedStr(const S: WideString; Quote: WideChar): WideString; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WideExtractQuotedStr(var Src: PWideChar; Quote: WideChar): Widestring; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WideDequotedStr(const S: WideString; AQuote: WideChar): WideString; {$ENDIF} implementation uses {$IFDEF COMPILER_9_UP} WideStrUtils, {$ENDIF} Math, Windows, TntWindows; {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrAlloc(Size: Cardinal): PWideChar; begin Size := SizeOf(Cardinal) + (Size * SizeOf(WideChar)); GetMem(Result, Size); PCardinal(Result)^ := Size; Inc(PAnsiChar(Result), SizeOf(Cardinal)); end; function WStrBufSize(const Str: PWideChar): Cardinal; var P: PWideChar; begin P := Str; Dec(PAnsiChar(P), SizeOf(Cardinal)); Result := PCardinal(P)^ - SizeOf(Cardinal); Result := Result div SizeOf(WideChar); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WStrMove(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar; Count: Cardinal): PWideChar; var Length: Integer; begin Result := Dest; Length := Count * SizeOf(WideChar); Move(Source^, Dest^, Length); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrNew(const Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; var Size: Cardinal; begin if Str = nil then Result := nil else begin Size := WStrLen(Str) + 1; Result := WStrMove(WStrAlloc(Size), Str, Size); end; end; procedure WStrDispose(Str: PWideChar); begin if Str <> nil then begin Dec(PAnsiChar(Str), SizeOf(Cardinal)); FreeMem(Str, Cardinal(Pointer(Str)^)); end; end; {$ENDIF} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrLen(Str: PWideChar): Cardinal; begin Result := WStrEnd(Str) - Str; end; function WStrEnd(Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin // returns a pointer to the end of a null terminated string Result := Str; While Result^ <> #0 do Inc(Result); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WStrCat(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin Result := Dest; WStrCopy(WStrEnd(Dest), Source); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WStrCopy(Dest, Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin Result := WStrLCopy(Dest, Source, MaxInt); end; function WStrLCopy(Dest, Source: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PWideChar; var Count: Cardinal; begin // copies a specified maximum number of characters from Source to Dest Result := Dest; Count := 0; While (Count < MaxLen) and (Source^ <> #0) do begin Dest^ := Source^; Inc(Source); Inc(Dest); Inc(Count); end; Dest^ := #0; end; function WStrPCopy(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: WideString): PWideChar; begin Result := WStrLCopy(Dest, PWideChar(Source), Length(Source)); end; function WStrPLCopy(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: WideString; MaxLen: Cardinal): PWideChar; begin Result := WStrLCopy(Dest, PWideChar(Source), MaxLen); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WStrScan(const Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; begin Result := Str; while Result^ <> Chr do begin if Result^ = #0 then begin Result := nil; Exit; end; Inc(Result); end; end; function WStrComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar): Integer; begin Result := WStrLComp(Str1, Str2, MaxInt); end; function WStrPos(Str, SubStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; var PSave: PWideChar; P: PWideChar; PSub: PWideChar; begin // returns a pointer to the first occurance of SubStr in Str Result := nil; if (Str <> nil) and (Str^ <> #0) and (SubStr <> nil) and (SubStr^ <> #0) then begin P := Str; While P^ <> #0 do begin if P^ = SubStr^ then begin // investigate possibility here PSave := P; PSub := SubStr; While (P^ = PSub^) do begin Inc(P); Inc(PSub); if (PSub^ = #0) then begin Result := PSave; exit; // found a match end; if (P^ = #0) then exit; // no match, hit end of string end; P := PSave; end; Inc(P); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} function Tnt_WStrComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar): Integer; deprecated; begin Result := WStrComp(Str1, Str2); end; function Tnt_WStrPos(Str, SubStr: PWideChar): PWideChar; deprecated; begin Result := WStrPos(Str, SubStr); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function WStrECopy(Dest, Source: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin Result := WStrEnd(WStrCopy(Dest, Source)); end; function WStrComp_EX(Str1, Str2: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal; dwCmpFlags: Cardinal): Integer; var Len1, Len2: Integer; begin if MaxLen = Cardinal(MaxInt) then begin Len1 := -1; Len2 := -1; end else begin Len1 := Min(WStrLen(Str1), MaxLen); Len2 := Min(WStrLen(Str2), MaxLen); end; Result := Tnt_CompareStringW(GetThreadLocale, dwCmpFlags, Str1, Len1, Str2, Len2) - 2; end; function WStrLComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; begin Result := WStrComp_EX(Str1, Str2, MaxLen, 0); end; function WStrLIComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; begin Result := WStrComp_EX(Str1, Str2, MaxLen, NORM_IGNORECASE); end; function WStrIComp(Str1, Str2: PWideChar): Integer; begin Result := WStrLIComp(Str1, Str2, MaxInt); end; function WStrLower(Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin Result := Str; Tnt_CharLowerBuffW(Str, WStrLen(Str)) end; function WStrUpper(Str: PWideChar): PWideChar; begin Result := Str; Tnt_CharUpperBuffW(Str, WStrLen(Str)) end; function WStrRScan(const Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; var MostRecentFound: PWideChar; begin if Chr = #0 then Result := WStrEnd(Str) else begin Result := nil; MostRecentFound := Str; while True do begin while MostRecentFound^ <> Chr do begin if MostRecentFound^ = #0 then Exit; Inc(MostRecentFound); end; Result := MostRecentFound; Inc(MostRecentFound); end; end; end; function WStrLCat(Dest: PWideChar; const Source: PWideChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PWideChar; begin Result := Dest; WStrLCopy(WStrEnd(Dest), Source, MaxLen - WStrLen(Dest)); end; function WStrPas(const Str: PWideChar): WideString; begin Result := Str; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WideLastChar(const S: WideString): PWideChar; begin if S = '' then Result := nil else Result := @S[Length(S)]; end; function WideQuotedStr(const S: WideString; Quote: WideChar): WideString; var P, Src, Dest: PWideChar; AddCount: Integer; begin AddCount := 0; P := WStrScan(PWideChar(S), Quote); while (P <> nil) do begin Inc(P); Inc(AddCount); P := WStrScan(P, Quote); end; if AddCount = 0 then Result := Quote + S + Quote else begin SetLength(Result, Length(S) + AddCount + 2); Dest := PWideChar(Result); Dest^ := Quote; Inc(Dest); Src := PWideChar(S); P := WStrScan(Src, Quote); repeat Inc(P); Move(Src^, Dest^, 2 * (P - Src)); Inc(Dest, P - Src); Dest^ := Quote; Inc(Dest); Src := P; P := WStrScan(Src, Quote); until P = nil; P := WStrEnd(Src); Move(Src^, Dest^, 2 * (P - Src)); Inc(Dest, P - Src); Dest^ := Quote; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function WideExtractQuotedStr(var Src: PWideChar; Quote: WideChar): Widestring; var P, Dest: PWideChar; DropCount: Integer; begin Result := ''; if (Src = nil) or (Src^ <> Quote) then Exit; Inc(Src); DropCount := 1; P := Src; Src := WStrScan(Src, Quote); while Src <> nil do // count adjacent pairs of quote chars begin Inc(Src); if Src^ <> Quote then Break; Inc(Src); Inc(DropCount); Src := WStrScan(Src, Quote); end; if Src = nil then Src := WStrEnd(P); if ((Src - P) <= 1) then Exit; if DropCount = 1 then SetString(Result, P, Src - P - 1) else begin SetLength(Result, Src - P - DropCount); Dest := PWideChar(Result); Src := WStrScan(P, Quote); while Src <> nil do begin Inc(Src); if Src^ <> Quote then Break; Move(P^, Dest^, (Src - P) * SizeOf(WideChar)); Inc(Dest, Src - P); Inc(Src); P := Src; Src := WStrScan(Src, Quote); end; if Src = nil then Src := WStrEnd(P); Move(P^, Dest^, (Src - P - 1) * SizeOf(WideChar)); end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_10_UP} function WideDequotedStr(const S: WideString; AQuote: WideChar): WideString; var LText : PWideChar; begin LText := PWideChar(S); Result := WideExtractQuotedStr(LText, AQuote); if Result = '' then Result := S; end; {$ENDIF} end.