Resource files (.rc/.res) are needed for MS Windows builds only. The .res file is the compiled version of .rc and appended to the executable. It is just used to provide an icon for the executable that is shown in the explorer. Delphi does the compilation of the .rc to .res file automatically. FPC needs windres (delivered with FPC) for ths purpose but windres must be started separately. You can manually run the compilation process with either rccompile-delphi.bat or rccompile-fpc.bat depending on the available compiler (delphi/windres files are compatible). If FPC is used, the path to the FPC bin-dir might have to be adjusted, the default is "PATH=C:\Programme\lazarus\fpc\2.2.0\bin\i386-win32\". To avoid the need to run the resource-compiler, a pre-compiled .res-file was added to SVN. Please commit the res-file if the rc-file was changed.