To use this plugin you will need to build the provided helper C program, see below. To install the plugin, as usually, copy this directory under the Tkabber's plugins directory ~/.tkabber/plugins so that you get a hierarchy like this: ~/.tkabber/plugins ~/.tkabber/plugins/urgent/ ~/.tkabber/plugins/urgent/urgent.tcl Ensure you have a C compiler and X11 development files installed ("gcc" and "libx11-dev" packages on Debian systems), then change to the plugin's directory: $ cd ~/.tkabber/plugins/urgent/ and build the helper C program: $ gcc -lX11 -o urgent urgent.c On older systems you might need to add an appropriate library path to the gcc's search path using the -L command line parameter, something like $ gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -o urgent urgent.c Restart Tkabber, to get the plugin loaded. Visit the Cutsomize->Plugins->Urgent group of settings. Consult the README file for the details about using this plugin.