#! /bin/sh ########################### # start config PREFIX=`pwd`/usr/ NODE_VERSION=0.3.5 # use full for development DEV_TOOLS="node-dev jslint" # end config ########################### export PATH=${PREFIX}/bin:${PATH} ## Download Helper # $1 - url # $2 - destdir download() { mkdir -p ${PREFIX}/src if [ ! -f ${2} ]; then echo "!! saving source to $1" curl ${1} | tar -x -z -C ${PREFIX}/src fi } if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/bin/node ]; then # fetch and compile nodejs download http://nodejs.org/dist/node-v${NODE_VERSION}.tar.gz ${PREFIX}/src/node-v${NODE_VERSION} cd ${PREFIX}/src/node-v${NODE_VERSION} ./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} make install cd ${PREFIX}/.. else echo "!! node already installed" fi if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/bin/npm ];then # fetch and compile npm curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh else echo "!! npm already installed" fi # load development code and compile dependencies npm link src/nodejs/ for TOOL in $DEV_TOOLS; do npm install $TOOL done;