/* * YUI Compressor * Author: Julien Lecomte * Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. * Code licensed under the BSD License: * http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt */ package com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor; import yuicompressor.org.mozilla.javascript.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.Writer; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class JavaScriptCompressor { static final ArrayList ones; static final ArrayList twos; static final ArrayList threes; static final Set builtin = new HashSet(); static final Map literals = new Hashtable(); static final Set reserved = new HashSet(); static { // This list contains all the 3 characters or less built-in global // symbols available in a browser. Please add to this list if you // see anything missing. builtin.add("NaN"); builtin.add("top"); ones = new ArrayList(); for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) ones.add(Character.toString(c)); for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) ones.add(Character.toString(c)); twos = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < ones.size(); i++) { String one = (String) ones.get(i); for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) twos.add(one + Character.toString(c)); for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) twos.add(one + Character.toString(c)); for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++) twos.add(one + Character.toString(c)); } // Remove two-letter JavaScript reserved words and built-in globals... twos.remove("as"); twos.remove("is"); twos.remove("do"); twos.remove("if"); twos.remove("in"); twos.removeAll(builtin); threes = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < twos.size(); i++) { String two = (String) twos.get(i); for (char c = 'A'; c <= 'Z'; c++) threes.add(two + Character.toString(c)); for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) threes.add(two + Character.toString(c)); for (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; c++) threes.add(two + Character.toString(c)); } // Remove three-letter JavaScript reserved words and built-in globals... threes.remove("for"); threes.remove("int"); threes.remove("new"); threes.remove("try"); threes.remove("use"); threes.remove("var"); threes.removeAll(builtin); // That's up to ((26+26)*(1+(26+26+10)))*(1+(26+26+10))-8 // (206,380 symbols per scope) // The following list comes from org/mozilla/javascript/Decompiler.java... literals.put(new Integer(Token.GET), "get "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.SET), "set "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.TRUE), "true"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.FALSE), "false"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.NULL), "null"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.THIS), "this"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.FUNCTION), "function"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.COMMA), ","); literals.put(new Integer(Token.LC), "{"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.RC), "}"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.LP), "("); literals.put(new Integer(Token.RP), ")"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.LB), "["); literals.put(new Integer(Token.RB), "]"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DOT), "."); literals.put(new Integer(Token.NEW), "new "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DELPROP), "delete "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.IF), "if"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ELSE), "else"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.FOR), "for"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.IN), " in "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.WITH), "with"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.WHILE), "while"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DO), "do"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.TRY), "try"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.CATCH), "catch"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.FINALLY), "finally"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.THROW), "throw"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.SWITCH), "switch"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.BREAK), "break"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.CONTINUE), "continue"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.CASE), "case"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DEFAULT), "default"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.RETURN), "return"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.VAR), "var "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.SEMI), ";"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN), "="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_ADD), "+="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_SUB), "-="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_MUL), "*="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_DIV), "/="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_MOD), "%="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_BITOR), "|="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR), "^="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_BITAND), "&="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_LSH), "<<="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_RSH), ">>="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ASSIGN_URSH), ">>>="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.HOOK), "?"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.OBJECTLIT), ":"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.COLON), ":"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.OR), "||"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.AND), "&&"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.BITOR), "|"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.BITXOR), "^"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.BITAND), "&"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.SHEQ), "==="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.SHNE), "!=="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.EQ), "=="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.NE), "!="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.LE), "<="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.LT), "<"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.GE), ">="); literals.put(new Integer(Token.GT), ">"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.INSTANCEOF), " instanceof "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.LSH), "<<"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.RSH), ">>"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.URSH), ">>>"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.TYPEOF), "typeof"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.VOID), "void "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.CONST), "const "); literals.put(new Integer(Token.NOT), "!"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.BITNOT), "~"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.POS), "+"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.NEG), "-"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.INC), "++"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DEC), "--"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.ADD), "+"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.SUB), "-"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.MUL), "*"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DIV), "/"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.MOD), "%"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.COLONCOLON), "::"); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DOTDOT), ".."); literals.put(new Integer(Token.DOTQUERY), ".("); literals.put(new Integer(Token.XMLATTR), "@"); // See http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Reserved_Words // JavaScript 1.5 reserved words reserved.add("break"); reserved.add("case"); reserved.add("catch"); reserved.add("continue"); reserved.add("default"); reserved.add("delete"); reserved.add("do"); reserved.add("else"); reserved.add("finally"); reserved.add("for"); reserved.add("function"); reserved.add("if"); reserved.add("in"); reserved.add("instanceof"); reserved.add("new"); reserved.add("return"); reserved.add("switch"); reserved.add("this"); reserved.add("throw"); reserved.add("try"); reserved.add("typeof"); reserved.add("var"); reserved.add("void"); reserved.add("while"); reserved.add("with"); // Words reserved for future use reserved.add("abstract"); reserved.add("boolean"); reserved.add("byte"); reserved.add("char"); reserved.add("class"); reserved.add("const"); reserved.add("debugger"); reserved.add("double"); reserved.add("enum"); reserved.add("export"); reserved.add("extends"); reserved.add("final"); reserved.add("float"); reserved.add("goto"); reserved.add("implements"); reserved.add("import"); reserved.add("int"); reserved.add("interface"); reserved.add("long"); reserved.add("native"); reserved.add("package"); reserved.add("private"); reserved.add("protected"); reserved.add("public"); reserved.add("short"); reserved.add("static"); reserved.add("super"); reserved.add("synchronized"); reserved.add("throws"); reserved.add("transient"); reserved.add("volatile"); // These are not reserved, but should be taken into account // in isValidIdentifier (See jslint source code) reserved.add("arguments"); reserved.add("eval"); reserved.add("true"); reserved.add("false"); reserved.add("Infinity"); reserved.add("NaN"); reserved.add("null"); reserved.add("undefined"); } private static int countChar(String haystack, char needle) { int idx = 0; int count = 0; int length = haystack.length(); while (idx < length) { char c = haystack.charAt(idx++); if (c == needle) { count++; } } return count; } private static int printSourceString(String source, int offset, StringBuffer sb) { int length = source.charAt(offset); ++offset; if ((0x8000 & length) != 0) { length = ((0x7FFF & length) << 16) | source.charAt(offset); ++offset; } if (sb != null) { String str = source.substring(offset, offset + length); sb.append(str); } return offset + length; } private static int printSourceNumber(String source, int offset, StringBuffer sb) { double number = 0.0; char type = source.charAt(offset); ++offset; if (type == 'S') { if (sb != null) { number = source.charAt(offset); } ++offset; } else if (type == 'J' || type == 'D') { if (sb != null) { long lbits; lbits = (long) source.charAt(offset) << 48; lbits |= (long) source.charAt(offset + 1) << 32; lbits |= (long) source.charAt(offset + 2) << 16; lbits |= (long) source.charAt(offset + 3); if (type == 'J') { number = lbits; } else { number = Double.longBitsToDouble(lbits); } } offset += 4; } else { // Bad source throw new RuntimeException(); } if (sb != null) { sb.append(ScriptRuntime.numberToString(number, 10)); } return offset; } private static ArrayList parse(Reader in, ErrorReporter reporter) throws IOException, EvaluatorException { CompilerEnvirons env = new CompilerEnvirons(); Parser parser = new Parser(env, reporter); parser.parse(in, null, 1); String source = parser.getEncodedSource(); int offset = 0; int length = source.length(); ArrayList tokens = new ArrayList(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (offset < length) { int tt = source.charAt(offset++); switch (tt) { case Token.SPECIALCOMMENT: case Token.NAME: case Token.REGEXP: case Token.STRING: sb.setLength(0); offset = printSourceString(source, offset, sb); tokens.add(new JavaScriptToken(tt, sb.toString())); break; case Token.NUMBER: sb.setLength(0); offset = printSourceNumber(source, offset, sb); tokens.add(new JavaScriptToken(tt, sb.toString())); break; default: String literal = (String) literals.get(new Integer(tt)); if (literal != null) { tokens.add(new JavaScriptToken(tt, literal)); } break; } } return tokens; } private static void processStringLiterals(ArrayList tokens, boolean merge) { String tv; int i, length = tokens.size(); JavaScriptToken token, prevToken, nextToken; if (merge) { // Concatenate string literals that are being appended wherever // it is safe to do so. Note that we take care of the case: // "a" + "b".toUpperCase() for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { token = (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i); switch (token.getType()) { case Token.ADD: if (i > 0 && i < length) { prevToken = (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i - 1); nextToken = (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i + 1); if (prevToken.getType() == Token.STRING && nextToken.getType() == Token.STRING && (i == length - 1 || ((JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i + 2)).getType() != Token.DOT)) { tokens.set(i - 1, new JavaScriptToken(Token.STRING, prevToken.getValue() + nextToken.getValue())); tokens.remove(i + 1); tokens.remove(i); i = i - 1; length = length - 2; break; } } } } } // Second pass... for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { // APPJET modifications in this loop token = (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i); if (token.getType() == Token.STRING || token.getType() == Token.REGEXP) { tv = token.getValue(); if (token.getType() == Token.STRING) { // Finally, add the quoting characters and escape the string. We use // the quoting character that minimizes the amount of escaping to save // a few additional bytes. char quotechar; int singleQuoteCount = countChar(tv, '\''); int doubleQuoteCount = countChar(tv, '"'); if (doubleQuoteCount <= singleQuoteCount) { quotechar = '"'; } else { quotechar = '\''; } tv = quotechar + escapeString(tv, quotechar) + quotechar; } // String concatenation transforms the old script scheme: // '<'+'/script>' // into the following: // '' // which breaks if this code is embedded inside an HTML document. // Since this is not the right way to do this, let's fix the code by // transforming all " 0 && i < length - 2 && ((JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i - 1)).getType() == Token.NAME && ((JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i + 1)).getType() == Token.STRING && ((JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i + 2)).getType() == Token.RB) { token = (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i + 1); tv = token.getValue(); tv = tv.substring(1, tv.length() - 1); if (isValidIdentifier(tv)) { tokens.set(i, new JavaScriptToken(Token.DOT, ".")); tokens.set(i + 1, new JavaScriptToken(Token.NAME, tv)); tokens.remove(i + 2); i = i + 2; length = length - 1; } } } } /* * Transforms 'foo': ... into foo: ... whenever possible, saving 2 bytes. */ private static void optimizeObjLitMemberDecl(ArrayList tokens) { String tv; int i, length; JavaScriptToken token; for (i = 0, length = tokens.size(); i < length; i++) { if (((JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i)).getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT && i > 0 && ((JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i - 1)).getType() == Token.STRING) { token = (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i - 1); tv = token.getValue(); tv = tv.substring(1, tv.length() - 1); if (isValidIdentifier(tv)) { tokens.set(i - 1, new JavaScriptToken(Token.NAME, tv)); } } } } private ErrorReporter logger; private boolean munge; private boolean verbose; private static final int BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE = 1; private static final int CHECKING_SYMBOL_TREE = 2; private int mode; private int offset; private int braceNesting; private ArrayList tokens; private Stack scopes = new Stack(); private ScriptOrFnScope globalScope = new ScriptOrFnScope(-1, null); private Hashtable indexedScopes = new Hashtable(); public JavaScriptCompressor(Reader in, ErrorReporter reporter) throws IOException, EvaluatorException { this.logger = reporter; this.tokens = parse(in, reporter); } public void compress(Writer out, int linebreak, boolean munge, boolean verbose, boolean preserveAllSemiColons, boolean disableOptimizations) throws IOException { this.munge = munge; this.verbose = verbose; processStringLiterals(this.tokens, !disableOptimizations); if (!disableOptimizations) { optimizeObjectMemberAccess(this.tokens); optimizeObjLitMemberDecl(this.tokens); } buildSymbolTree(); // DO NOT TOUCH this.tokens BETWEEN THESE TWO PHASES (BECAUSE OF this.indexedScopes) mungeSymboltree(); StringBuffer sb = printSymbolTree(linebreak, preserveAllSemiColons); out.write(sb.toString()); } private ScriptOrFnScope getCurrentScope() { return (ScriptOrFnScope) scopes.peek(); } private void enterScope(ScriptOrFnScope scope) { scopes.push(scope); } private void leaveCurrentScope() { scopes.pop(); } private JavaScriptToken consumeToken() { return (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(offset++); } private JavaScriptToken getToken(int delta) { return (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(offset + delta); } /* * Returns the identifier for the specified symbol defined in * the specified scope or in any scope above it. Returns null * if this symbol does not have a corresponding identifier. */ private JavaScriptIdentifier getIdentifier(String symbol, ScriptOrFnScope scope) { JavaScriptIdentifier identifier; while (scope != null) { identifier = scope.getIdentifier(symbol); if (identifier != null) { return identifier; } scope = scope.getParentScope(); } return null; } /* * If either 'eval' or 'with' is used in a local scope, we must make * sure that all containing local scopes don't get munged. Otherwise, * the obfuscation would potentially introduce bugs. */ private void protectScopeFromObfuscation(ScriptOrFnScope scope) { assert scope != null; if (scope == globalScope) { // The global scope does not get obfuscated, // so we don't need to worry about it... return; } // Find the highest local scope containing the specified scope. while (scope.getParentScope() != globalScope) { scope = scope.getParentScope(); } assert scope.getParentScope() == globalScope; scope.preventMunging(); } private String getDebugString(int max) { assert max > 0; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int start = Math.max(offset - max, 0); int end = Math.min(offset + max, tokens.size()); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { JavaScriptToken token = (JavaScriptToken) tokens.get(i); if (i == offset - 1) { result.append(" ---> "); } result.append(token.getValue()); if (i == offset - 1) { result.append(" <--- "); } } return result.toString(); } private void warn(String message, boolean showDebugString) { if (verbose) { if (showDebugString) { message = message + "\n" + getDebugString(10); } logger.warning(message, null, -1, null, -1); } } private void parseFunctionDeclaration() { String symbol; JavaScriptToken token; ScriptOrFnScope currentScope, fnScope; JavaScriptIdentifier identifier; currentScope = getCurrentScope(); token = consumeToken(); if (token.getType() == Token.NAME) { if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { // Get the name of the function and declare it in the current scope. symbol = token.getValue(); if (currentScope.getIdentifier(symbol) != null) { warn("The function " + symbol + " has already been declared in the same scope...", true); } currentScope.declareIdentifier(symbol); } token = consumeToken(); } assert token.getType() == Token.LP; if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { fnScope = new ScriptOrFnScope(braceNesting, currentScope); indexedScopes.put(new Integer(offset), fnScope); } else { fnScope = (ScriptOrFnScope) indexedScopes.get(new Integer(offset)); } // Parse function arguments. int argpos = 0; while ((token = consumeToken()).getType() != Token.RP) { assert token.getType() == Token.NAME || token.getType() == Token.COMMA; if (token.getType() == Token.NAME && mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { symbol = token.getValue(); identifier = fnScope.declareIdentifier(symbol); if (symbol.equals("$super") && argpos == 0) { // Exception for Prototype 1.6... identifier.preventMunging(); } argpos++; } } token = consumeToken(); assert token.getType() == Token.LC; braceNesting++; token = getToken(0); if (token.getType() == Token.STRING && getToken(1).getType() == Token.SEMI) { // This is a hint. Hints are empty statements that look like // "localvar1:nomunge, localvar2:nomunge"; They allow developers // to prevent specific symbols from getting obfuscated (some heretic // implementations, such as Prototype 1.6, require specific variable // names, such as $super for example, in order to work appropriately. // Note: right now, only "nomunge" is supported in the right hand side // of a hint. However, in the future, the right hand side may contain // other values. consumeToken(); String hints = token.getValue(); // Remove the leading and trailing quotes... hints = hints.substring(1, hints.length() - 1).trim(); StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(hints, ","); while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) { String hint = st1.nextToken(); int idx = hint.indexOf(':'); if (idx <= 0 || idx >= hint.length() - 1) { if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { // No need to report the error twice, hence the test... warn("Invalid hint syntax: " + hint, true); } break; } String variableName = hint.substring(0, idx).trim(); String variableType = hint.substring(idx + 1).trim(); if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { fnScope.addHint(variableName, variableType); } else if (mode == CHECKING_SYMBOL_TREE) { identifier = fnScope.getIdentifier(variableName); if (identifier != null) { if (variableType.equals("nomunge")) { identifier.preventMunging(); } else { warn("Unsupported hint value: " + hint, true); } } else { warn("Hint refers to an unknown identifier: " + hint, true); } } } } parseScope(fnScope); } private void parseCatch() { String symbol; JavaScriptToken token; ScriptOrFnScope currentScope; JavaScriptIdentifier identifier; token = getToken(-1); assert token.getType() == Token.CATCH; token = consumeToken(); assert token.getType() == Token.LP; token = consumeToken(); assert token.getType() == Token.NAME; symbol = token.getValue(); currentScope = getCurrentScope(); if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { // We must declare the exception identifier in the containing function // scope to avoid errors related to the obfuscation process. No need to // display a warning if the symbol was already declared here... currentScope.declareIdentifier(symbol); } else { identifier = getIdentifier(symbol, currentScope); identifier.incrementRefcount(); } token = consumeToken(); assert token.getType() == Token.RP; } private void parseExpression() { // Parse the expression until we encounter a comma or a semi-colon // in the same brace nesting, bracket nesting and paren nesting. // Parse functions if any... String symbol; JavaScriptToken token; ScriptOrFnScope currentScope; JavaScriptIdentifier identifier; int expressionBraceNesting = braceNesting; int bracketNesting = 0; int parensNesting = 0; int length = tokens.size(); while (offset < length) { token = consumeToken(); currentScope = getCurrentScope(); switch (token.getType()) { case Token.SEMI: case Token.COMMA: if (braceNesting == expressionBraceNesting && bracketNesting == 0 && parensNesting == 0) { return; } break; case Token.FUNCTION: parseFunctionDeclaration(); break; case Token.LC: braceNesting++; break; case Token.RC: braceNesting--; assert braceNesting >= expressionBraceNesting; break; case Token.LB: bracketNesting++; break; case Token.RB: bracketNesting--; break; case Token.LP: parensNesting++; break; case Token.RP: parensNesting--; break; case Token.SPECIALCOMMENT: if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { protectScopeFromObfuscation(currentScope); warn("Using JScript conditional comments is not recommended." + (munge ? " Moreover, using JScript conditional comments reduces the level of compression!" : ""), true); } break; case Token.NAME: symbol = token.getValue(); if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { if (symbol.equals("eval")) { protectScopeFromObfuscation(currentScope); warn("Using 'eval' is not recommended." + (munge ? " Moreover, using 'eval' reduces the level of compression!" : ""), true); } } else if (mode == CHECKING_SYMBOL_TREE) { if ((offset < 2 || (getToken(-2).getType() != Token.DOT && getToken(-2).getType() != Token.GET && getToken(-2).getType() != Token.SET)) && getToken(0).getType() != Token.OBJECTLIT) { identifier = getIdentifier(symbol, currentScope); if (identifier == null) { if (symbol.length() <= 3 && !builtin.contains(symbol)) { // Here, we found an undeclared and un-namespaced symbol that is // 3 characters or less in length. Declare it in the global scope. // We don't need to declare longer symbols since they won't cause // any conflict with other munged symbols. globalScope.declareIdentifier(symbol); warn("Found an undeclared symbol: " + symbol, true); } } else { identifier.incrementRefcount(); } } } break; } } } private void parseScope(ScriptOrFnScope scope) { String symbol; JavaScriptToken token; JavaScriptIdentifier identifier; int length = tokens.size(); enterScope(scope); while (offset < length) { token = consumeToken(); switch (token.getType()) { case Token.VAR: if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE && scope.incrementVarCount() > 1) { warn("Try to use a single 'var' statement per scope.", true); } /* FALLSTHROUGH */ case Token.CONST: // The var keyword is followed by at least one symbol name. // If several symbols follow, they are comma separated. for (; ;) { token = consumeToken(); assert token.getType() == Token.NAME; if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { symbol = token.getValue(); if (scope.getIdentifier(symbol) == null) { scope.declareIdentifier(symbol); } else { warn("The variable " + symbol + " has already been declared in the same scope...", true); } } token = getToken(0); assert token.getType() == Token.SEMI || token.getType() == Token.ASSIGN || token.getType() == Token.COMMA || token.getType() == Token.IN; if (token.getType() == Token.IN) { break; } else { parseExpression(); token = getToken(-1); if (token.getType() == Token.SEMI) { break; } } } break; case Token.FUNCTION: parseFunctionDeclaration(); break; case Token.LC: braceNesting++; break; case Token.RC: braceNesting--; assert braceNesting >= scope.getBraceNesting(); if (braceNesting == scope.getBraceNesting()) { leaveCurrentScope(); return; } break; case Token.WITH: if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { // Inside a 'with' block, it is impossible to figure out // statically whether a symbol is a local variable or an // object member. As a consequence, the only thing we can // do is turn the obfuscation off for the highest scope // containing the 'with' block. protectScopeFromObfuscation(scope); warn("Using 'with' is not recommended." + (munge ? " Moreover, using 'with' reduces the level of compression!" : ""), true); } break; case Token.CATCH: parseCatch(); break; case Token.SPECIALCOMMENT: if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { protectScopeFromObfuscation(scope); warn("Using JScript conditional comments is not recommended." + (munge ? " Moreover, using JScript conditional comments reduces the level of compression." : ""), true); } break; case Token.NAME: symbol = token.getValue(); if (mode == BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE) { if (symbol.equals("eval")) { protectScopeFromObfuscation(scope); warn("Using 'eval' is not recommended." + (munge ? " Moreover, using 'eval' reduces the level of compression!" : ""), true); } } else if (mode == CHECKING_SYMBOL_TREE) { if ((offset < 2 || getToken(-2).getType() != Token.DOT) && getToken(0).getType() != Token.OBJECTLIT) { identifier = getIdentifier(symbol, scope); if (identifier == null) { if (symbol.length() <= 3 && !builtin.contains(symbol)) { // Here, we found an undeclared and un-namespaced symbol that is // 3 characters or less in length. Declare it in the global scope. // We don't need to declare longer symbols since they won't cause // any conflict with other munged symbols. globalScope.declareIdentifier(symbol); warn("Found an undeclared symbol: " + symbol, true); } } else { identifier.incrementRefcount(); } } } break; } } } private void buildSymbolTree() { offset = 0; braceNesting = 0; scopes.clear(); indexedScopes.clear(); indexedScopes.put(new Integer(0), globalScope); mode = BUILDING_SYMBOL_TREE; parseScope(globalScope); } private void mungeSymboltree() { if (!munge) { return; } // One problem with obfuscation resides in the use of undeclared // and un-namespaced global symbols that are 3 characters or less // in length. Here is an example: // // var declaredGlobalVar; // // function declaredGlobalFn() { // var localvar; // localvar = abc; // abc is an undeclared global symbol // } // // In the example above, there is a slim chance that localvar may be // munged to 'abc', conflicting with the undeclared global symbol // abc, creating a potential bug. The following code detects such // global symbols. This must be done AFTER the entire file has been // parsed, and BEFORE munging the symbol tree. Note that declaring // extra symbols in the global scope won't hurt. // // Note: Since we go through all the tokens to do this, we also use // the opportunity to count how many times each identifier is used. offset = 0; braceNesting = 0; scopes.clear(); mode = CHECKING_SYMBOL_TREE; parseScope(globalScope); globalScope.munge(); } private StringBuffer printSymbolTree(int linebreakpos, boolean preserveAllSemiColons) throws IOException { offset = 0; braceNesting = 0; scopes.clear(); String symbol; JavaScriptToken token; ScriptOrFnScope currentScope; JavaScriptIdentifier identifier; int length = tokens.size(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); int linestartpos = 0; enterScope(globalScope); while (offset < length) { token = consumeToken(); symbol = token.getValue(); currentScope = getCurrentScope(); switch (token.getType()) { case Token.NAME: if (offset >= 2 && getToken(-2).getType() == Token.DOT || getToken(0).getType() == Token.OBJECTLIT) { result.append(symbol); } else { identifier = getIdentifier(symbol, currentScope); if (identifier != null) { if (identifier.getMungedValue() != null) { result.append(identifier.getMungedValue()); } else { result.append(symbol); } if (currentScope != globalScope && identifier.getRefcount() == 0) { warn("The symbol " + symbol + " is declared but is apparently never used.\nThis code can probably be written in a more compact way.", true); } } else { result.append(symbol); } } break; case Token.REGEXP: case Token.NUMBER: case Token.STRING: result.append(symbol); break; case Token.ADD: case Token.SUB: result.append((String) literals.get(new Integer(token.getType()))); if (offset < length) { token = getToken(0); if (token.getType() == Token.INC || token.getType() == Token.DEC || token.getType() == Token.ADD || token.getType() == Token.DEC) { // Handle the case x +/- ++/-- y // We must keep a white space here. Otherwise, x +++ y would be // interpreted as x ++ + y by the compiler, which is a bug (due // to the implicit assignment being done on the wrong variable) result.append(' '); } else if (token.getType() == Token.POS && getToken(-1).getType() == Token.ADD || token.getType() == Token.NEG && getToken(-1).getType() == Token.SUB) { // Handle the case x + + y and x - - y result.append(' '); } } break; case Token.FUNCTION: result.append("function"); token = consumeToken(); if (token.getType() == Token.NAME) { result.append(' '); symbol = token.getValue(); identifier = getIdentifier(symbol, currentScope); assert identifier != null; if (identifier.getMungedValue() != null) { result.append(identifier.getMungedValue()); } else { result.append(symbol); } if (currentScope != globalScope && identifier.getRefcount() == 0) { warn("The symbol " + symbol + " is declared but is apparently never used.\nThis code can probably be written in a more compact way.", true); } token = consumeToken(); } assert token.getType() == Token.LP; result.append('('); currentScope = (ScriptOrFnScope) indexedScopes.get(new Integer(offset)); enterScope(currentScope); while ((token = consumeToken()).getType() != Token.RP) { assert token.getType() == Token.NAME || token.getType() == Token.COMMA; if (token.getType() == Token.NAME) { symbol = token.getValue(); identifier = getIdentifier(symbol, currentScope); assert identifier != null; if (identifier.getMungedValue() != null) { result.append(identifier.getMungedValue()); } else { result.append(symbol); } } else if (token.getType() == Token.COMMA) { result.append(','); } } result.append(')'); token = consumeToken(); assert token.getType() == Token.LC; result.append('{'); braceNesting++; token = getToken(0); if (token.getType() == Token.STRING && getToken(1).getType() == Token.SEMI) { // This is a hint. Skip it! consumeToken(); consumeToken(); } break; case Token.RETURN: case Token.TYPEOF: result.append(literals.get(new Integer(token.getType()))); // No space needed after 'return' and 'typeof' when followed // by '(', '[', '{', a string or a regexp. if (offset < length) { token = getToken(0); if (token.getType() != Token.LP && token.getType() != Token.LB && token.getType() != Token.LC && token.getType() != Token.STRING && token.getType() != Token.REGEXP && token.getType() != Token.SEMI) { result.append(' '); } } break; case Token.CASE: case Token.THROW: result.append(literals.get(new Integer(token.getType()))); // White-space needed after 'case' and 'throw' when not followed by a string. if (offset < length && getToken(0).getType() != Token.STRING) { result.append(' '); } break; case Token.BREAK: case Token.CONTINUE: result.append(literals.get(new Integer(token.getType()))); if (offset < length && getToken(0).getType() != Token.SEMI) { // If 'break' or 'continue' is not followed by a semi-colon, it must // be followed by a label, hence the need for a white space. result.append(' '); } break; case Token.LC: result.append('{'); braceNesting++; break; case Token.RC: result.append('}'); braceNesting--; assert braceNesting >= currentScope.getBraceNesting(); if (braceNesting == currentScope.getBraceNesting()) { leaveCurrentScope(); } break; case Token.SEMI: // No need to output a semi-colon if the next character is a right-curly... if (preserveAllSemiColons || offset < length && getToken(0).getType() != Token.RC) { result.append(';'); } if (linebreakpos >= 0 && result.length() - linestartpos > linebreakpos) { // Some source control tools don't like it when files containing lines longer // than, say 8000 characters, are checked in. The linebreak option is used in // that case to split long lines after a specific column. result.append('\n'); linestartpos = result.length(); } break; case Token.SPECIALCOMMENT: if (result.length() > 0 && result.charAt(result.length() - 1) != '\n') { result.append("\n"); } result.append("/*"); result.append(symbol); result.append("*/\n"); break; default: String literal = (String) literals.get(new Integer(token.getType())); if (literal != null) { result.append(literal); } else { warn("This symbol cannot be printed: " + symbol, true); } break; } } // Append a semi-colon at the end, even if unnecessary semi-colons are // supposed to be removed. This is especially useful when concatenating // several minified files (the absence of an ending semi-colon at the // end of one file may very likely cause a syntax error) if (!preserveAllSemiColons && result.length() > 0) { if (result.charAt(result.length() - 1) == '\n') { result.setCharAt(result.length() - 1, ';'); } else { result.append(';'); } } return result; } }