<% /* Copyright 2009 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ %>Dear <%= cart.ownerName %>, Thank you for your purchase of EtherPad Private Network Edition. This is your receipt. Please keep this email for your records. -- The EtherPad Staff <% function row(key, value) { %><%= key %>: <%= String(value).split("\n").join("\n ") %> <% } function $(cost) { return "US $"+dollars(cost); } %> License Information: <% row("Administrator Name", cart.ownerName) row("Organization Name", cart.orgName) row("Total Users", cart.userCount) %> Billing Information: <% var isUs = cart.billingCountry == "US"; switch(cart.billingPurchaseType) { case "creditcard": row("Credit Card Number", obfuscateCC(cart.billingCCNumber)); row("Expiration Date", cart.billingExpirationMonth+" / 20"+cart.billingExpirationYear); // falling through here intentional. case "invoice": row("Purchaser Name", cart.billingFirstName + " " + cart.billingLastName); row("Purchaser Address", cart.billingAddressLine1 + "\n" + (cart.billingAddressLine2 ? cart.billingAddressLine2 + "\n" : "") + cart.billingCity + ", " + (isUs?cart.billingState:cart.billingProvince) + "\n" + (isUs?cart.billingZipCode:cart.billingPostalCode)+ (isUs?'':', '+cart.billingCountry)); row("Invoice Number", cart.invoiceId); break; case "paypal": row("Paid Using", "PayPal"); row("Invoice Number", cart.invoiceId); } %> Summary of Charges: <% row("Etherpad Private Network, "+cart.numUsers+" users", $(cart.baseCost)); if (cart.couponProductPctDiscount) { row("Referral - "+cart.couponProductPctDiscount+"% savings", "-"+$(cart.productReferralDiscount)); } if (cart.supportCost) { row("Support Contract, 1 year", $(cart.supportCost)); if (cart.couponSupportPctDiscount) { row("Referral - "+cart.couponSupportPctDiscount+"% savings", "-"+$(cart.supportReferralDiscount)); } } if (cart.freeUserCount) { row("Referral Bonus - "+cart.freeUserCount+" free user"+(cart.freeUserCount == 1 ? '' : "s"), "US$0.00"); } %>------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <% var pctDiscount = cart.couponTotalPctDiscount; var hasSubtotal = pctDiscount > 0; if (hasSubtotal) { row("Subtotal", $(cart.subTotal)); row("Referral - "+pctDiscount+"% savings", "-"+$(cart.totalReferralDiscount)); } row("Total", $(cart.total)); %>