-module(client). -export([start/2, loop/2, register/2, login/2]). start(Node, User) -> %% start linked processes on client and server to get noticed if %% client disconnects and properly handle the logged in status process_flag(trap_exit, true), Client = server:start_on_node(Node, client, undef), link(Client), %% store the client pid in the client database to find the correct %% user on the exit message from the client cldb:set_client_pid(User, Client), Server = spawn_link(client, loop, [Client, User]), %% update the server process_id in the state of the client process, %% so that the client process know directly its counterpart on the %% server case server:rpc(Client, {change_state, Server}) of {ok} -> {ok, Client}; Why -> {error, {unknown_error, Why}} end. execute(Client, F) -> %% execute F() with error handling %% (sends error message on exception) try F() of Result -> Client ! {ok, Result} catch _: Why -> Client ! {error, Why} end. loop(Client, User) -> %% mainloop for client modul in server, handle the commands form %% the logged_in client receive {register, Name, Password} -> case cldb:check_rights(User) of admin -> execute(Client, fun() -> cldb:register(Name, Password, none) end); _ -> Client ! {error, {no_rights}} end; list -> execute(Client, fun() -> media:all() end); get_votes -> execute(Client, fun() -> cldb:get_votes(User) end); {vote, Artist, Title} -> %% only allow vote if user has vote to give away case cldb:dec_vote(User) of {ok} -> execute(Client, fun() -> media:vote(Artist, Title) end); _ -> Client ! {error, no_votes_available} end; {devote, Artist, Title} -> %% only allow devote if user has vote to give away case cldb:dec_vote(User) of {ok} -> execute(Client, fun() -> media:devote(Artist, Title) end); _ -> Client ! {error, no_votes_available} end; Cmd -> %% fallback for error messages Client ! {error, {unknown_command, Cmd}} end, loop(Client, User). register(Client, {Name, Password}) -> %% forward the register messages to the dispatcher (if user is not %% logged in) dis ! {Client, {register, {Name, Password}}}. login(Client, {Node, Name, Password}) -> %% forward the login messages to the dispatcher dis ! {Client, {login, {Node, Name, Password}}}.