% The clientdatabase -module(cldb). -export([init/0,all/0, ask/2, login/2, decVote/1, incVote/1, register/3, check_rights/1, give_votes/1]). -record(user, {name, passwd, votes, rights}). init() -> mnesia:create_schema([node()]), mnesia:start(), mnesia:create_table(user, [{attributes, record_info(fields, user)}]), io:format("Userdb up and running \n"). ask(User, Pwd) -> F = fun() -> mnesia:match_object({user, User, Pwd, '_', '_'}) end, mnesia:transaction(F). all() -> F = fun() -> mnesia:match_object({user, '_', '_', '_', '_'}) end, {atomic, List} = mnesia:transaction(F), List. login(User, Pwd) -> case ask(User, Pwd) of {atomic, [UserRow|_]} -> {ok, UserRow}; _-> {error} end. register(User, Pwd, Root) -> case ask(User, '_') of {atomic, []} -> F = fun() -> mnesia:write(#user{name = User, passwd = Pwd, votes = 5, rights = Root}) end, case mnesia:transaction(F) of {atomic, ok} -> {ok, user_created}; {atomic, Why} -> {error, Why} end; _ -> {error, duplicated_user} end. decVote(User) when is_list(User) -> {atomic, [Head|_]} = ask(User, '_'), if Head#user.votes > 0 -> F = fun() -> Votes = Head#user.votes - 1, New = Head#user{votes = Votes}, mnesia:write(New) end, mnesia:transaction(F), {ok}; true -> {error} end; decVote(User) -> decVote(User#user.name). incVote(User) -> F = fun() -> [Head|_] = ask(User, '_'), Votes = Head#user.votes + 1, New = Head#user{votes = Votes}, mnesia:write(New) end, mnesia:transaction(F). check_rights(User) -> {_, _, Rights} = ask(User, '_'), Rights. % after a song every client gets on more vote give_votes([Head|Rest]) -> User = Head#user.name, incVote(User), give_votes(Rest); give_votes([]) -> ok.