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diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Spacing.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Spacing.hs
index 609c858..38ffbd5 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/Spacing.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Spacing.hs
@@ -18,12 +18,16 @@ module XMonad.Layout.Spacing (
-- $usage
spacing, Spacing,
+ spacingWithEdge, SpacingWithEdge,
smartSpacing, SmartSpacing,
+ smartSpacingWithEdge, SmartSpacingWithEdge,
) where
import Graphics.X11 (Rectangle(..))
import Control.Arrow (second)
+import XMonad.Core (runLayout)
+import XMonad.StackSet (up, down, Workspace(..))
import XMonad.Util.Font (fi)
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
@@ -51,6 +55,21 @@ instance LayoutModifier Spacing a where
modifierDescription (Spacing p) = "Spacing " ++ show p
+-- | Surround all windows by a certain number of pixels of blank space, and
+-- additionally adds the same amount of spacing around the edge of the screen.
+spacingWithEdge :: Int -> l a -> ModifiedLayout SpacingWithEdge l a
+spacingWithEdge p = ModifiedLayout (SpacingWithEdge p)
+data SpacingWithEdge a = SpacingWithEdge Int deriving (Show, Read)
+instance LayoutModifier SpacingWithEdge a where
+ pureModifier (SpacingWithEdge p) _ _ wrs = (map (second $ shrinkRect p) wrs, Nothing)
+ modifyLayout (SpacingWithEdge p) w r = runLayout w (shrinkRect p r)
+ modifierDescription (SpacingWithEdge p) = "SpacingWithEdge " ++ show p
shrinkRect :: Int -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
shrinkRect p (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle (x+fi p) (y+fi p) (w-2*fi p) (h-2*fi p)
@@ -67,3 +86,22 @@ instance LayoutModifier SmartSpacing a where
pureModifier (SmartSpacing p) _ _ wrs = (map (second $ shrinkRect p) wrs, Nothing)
modifierDescription (SmartSpacing p) = "SmartSpacing " ++ show p
+-- | Surrounds all windows with blank space, and adds the same amount of spacing
+-- around the edge of the screen, except when the window is the only visible
+-- window on the current workspace.
+smartSpacingWithEdge :: Int -> l a -> ModifiedLayout SmartSpacingWithEdge l a
+smartSpacingWithEdge p = ModifiedLayout (SmartSpacingWithEdge p)
+data SmartSpacingWithEdge a = SmartSpacingWithEdge Int deriving (Show, Read)
+instance LayoutModifier SmartSpacingWithEdge a where
+ pureModifier _ _ _ [x] = ([x], Nothing)
+ pureModifier (SmartSpacingWithEdge p) _ _ wrs = (map (second $ shrinkRect p) wrs, Nothing)
+ modifyLayout (SmartSpacingWithEdge p) w r
+ | maybe False (\s -> null (up s) && null (down s)) (stack w) = runLayout w r
+ | otherwise = runLayout w (shrinkRect p r)
+ modifierDescription (SmartSpacingWithEdge p) = "SmartSpacingWithEdge " ++ show p